Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
(too old to reply)
2003-12-07 08:35:03 UTC
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton

2003-12-07 17:27:05 UTC
Post by newz
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
Too bad that they couldn't 'honor' her by tying her ankles around an
anchor and dropping her into the ocean for good. The bitch has nerve
enough to claim that she was attempting to protect the NY residents
from the WTC rubble when she wouldn't even set foot on the scene to
see exactly what took place for nearly a year. In fact, I'll bet that
the only reason that she did end up visiting the site is because some
ppl took a discrediting note to her absence when all of the rest of
the politicians were there and looking over what needed to be done.
She's a disgrace.
2003-12-07 22:42:42 UTC
Post by Salty
Post by newz
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
Too bad that they couldn't 'honor' her by tying her ankles around an
anchor and dropping her into the ocean for good. The bitch has nerve
enough to claim that she was attempting to protect the NY residents
from the WTC rubble when she wouldn't even set foot on the scene to
see exactly what took place for nearly a year. In fact, I'll bet that
the only reason that she did end up visiting the site is because some
ppl took a discrediting note to her absence when all of the rest of
the politicians were there and looking over what needed to be done.
She's a disgrace.
BS - All the other politicians were there for phot-ops and to get
suckers to vote for them.
Jim Wyatt
2003-12-08 12:56:06 UTC
Post by newz
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
Hillary is a whore from hell. I hope she gets back there soon.
Jim Wyatt
2003-12-08 19:06:20 UTC
Post by Jim Wyatt
Post by newz
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
Hillary is a whore from hell. I hope she gets back there soon.
AMEN !!!!!!!
2003-12-08 20:25:14 UTC
Post by Jim Wyatt
Post by newz
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
Hillary is a whore from hell. I hope she gets back there soon.
Jim Wyatt
I dunno about the Whore bit, surely if that was so she'd have enough
experience to keep her hubby on a short leash? I rather doubt his prick is
big enough to qualify as a long leash...

Don R
2003-12-09 02:51:41 UTC
Post by Jim Wyatt
Post by newz
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
Hillary is a whore from hell. I hope she gets back there soon.
Jim Wyatt
jeasas dude..................got some issues????
2003-12-08 17:59:48 UTC
Post by uwattimes
Post by Salty
Post by newz
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
Too bad that they couldn't 'honor' her by tying her ankles around an
anchor and dropping her into the ocean for good. The bitch has nerve
enough to claim that she was attempting to protect the NY residents
from the WTC rubble when she wouldn't even set foot on the scene to
see exactly what took place for nearly a year. In fact, I'll bet that
the only reason that she did end up visiting the site is because some
ppl took a discrediting note to her absence when all of the rest of
the politicians were there and looking over what needed to be done.
She's a disgrace.
BS - All the other politicians were there for phot-ops and to get
suckers to vote for them.
Well we know that Hillary wouldn't do a photo-op because she doesn't
want the media to compare her to Monica. LMAO

But regardless of the other politicians' motives... they were there.
They made a point to see what happened, what the crater looked like.
But this bimbo Hillary is a state senator who never ventured to the
site of the biggest problem that occured in her country in her
lifetime. Do you realize that ?? She never went to see the biggest
problem that happened in her country... and in her state... the state
she is supposed to represent. She's a vampire who tries to suck the
life out of ppl. She is an asshole who does not deserve our support in
any way shape or form.
@peek.ssr.hp.com (Charlie Hammond)
2003-12-08 18:06:37 UTC
In article <***@posting.google.com>,
***@hotmail.com (Salty) writes:
...Hillary ... never ventured to the site of the biggest problem
that occured in her country in her lifetime. ...

Babett, I'm pretty certain that Hillary actualy was
in Washington while Bill was president.
Charlie Hammond -- Hewlett-Packard Company -- Ft Lauderdale FL USA
(***@not@peek.ssr.hp.com -- remove "@not" when replying)
All opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily my employer's.
Greg Mossman
2003-12-08 22:12:38 UTC
Post by @peek.ssr.hp.com (Charlie Hammond)
...Hillary ... never ventured to the site of the biggest problem
that occured in her country in her lifetime. ...
Babett, I'm pretty certain that Hillary actualy was
in Washington while Bill was president.
What problem do you refer to? Peace, instead of war? Record surplus,
instead of record deficit and unemployment?

Or do you, as most Republicans, simply (emphasis on simple) feel that
Clinton's blowjob was the worst problem facing the country, instead of the
9/11 tragedy?
2003-12-09 03:06:25 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
What problem do you refer to? Peace, instead of war? Record surplus,
instead of record deficit and unemployment?
Or do you, as most Republicans, simply (emphasis on simple) feel that
Clinton's blowjob was the worst problem facing the country, instead of the
9/11 tragedy?
Clinton and his 8 years of nothing fertilized 9/11.
2003-12-09 04:06:51 UTC
Post by Scott
Post by Greg Mossman
What problem do you refer to? Peace, instead of war? Record surplus,
instead of record deficit and unemployment?
Or do you, as most Republicans, simply (emphasis on simple) feel that
Clinton's blowjob was the worst problem facing the country, instead of the
9/11 tragedy?
Clinton and his 8 years of nothing fertilized 9/11.
Not Bill! Remember, he was within hours of having Osama (although Osama
was offered to this country on several occasions).
Greg Mossman
2003-12-09 07:04:35 UTC
Post by Scott
Post by Greg Mossman
What problem do you refer to? Peace, instead of war? Record surplus,
instead of record deficit and unemployment?
Or do you, as most Republicans, simply (emphasis on simple) feel that
Clinton's blowjob was the worst problem facing the country, instead of the
9/11 tragedy?
Clinton and his 8 years of nothing fertilized 9/11.
Bush fertilized 9/11. Clinton held it at bay until Junior's watch.
Chris Guynn
2003-12-09 15:23:56 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
Post by Greg Mossman
What problem do you refer to? Peace, instead of war? Record surplus,
instead of record deficit and unemployment?
Or do you, as most Republicans, simply (emphasis on simple) feel that
Clinton's blowjob was the worst problem facing the country, instead of
Post by Scott
Post by Greg Mossman
9/11 tragedy?
Clinton and his 8 years of nothing fertilized 9/11.
Bush fertilized 9/11. Clinton held it at bay until Junior's watch.
Yeah, kinda like the USS Cole bombing and the embassy bombings. He was so
effective at convincing the terrorists to wait until he wasn't in office
anymore it's astounding that they even had the tenacity to wait for all
eight years.
2003-12-09 15:59:32 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Bush fertilized 9/11. Clinton held it at bay until Junior's watch.
I know you are too smart to believe that tripe.
Greg Mossman
2003-12-09 17:49:49 UTC
Post by Scott
Post by Greg Mossman
Bush fertilized 9/11. Clinton held it at bay until Junior's watch.
I know you are too smart to believe that tripe.
I figured you were too smart to fall for the standard Limbaugh/Coulter party
line (i.e., "it's all Clinton's fault - both Bushes are saints"). I guess
2003-12-10 02:24:07 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
Post by Greg Mossman
Bush fertilized 9/11. Clinton held it at bay until Junior's watch.
I know you are too smart to believe that tripe.
I figured you were too smart to fall for the standard Limbaugh/Coulter party
line (i.e., "it's all Clinton's fault - both Bushes are saints"). I guess
What horseshit.
Greg Mossman
2003-12-10 07:07:09 UTC
Post by Scott
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
Post by Greg Mossman
Bush fertilized 9/11. Clinton held it at bay until Junior's watch.
I know you are too smart to believe that tripe.
I figured you were too smart to fall for the standard Limbaugh/Coulter
Post by Greg Mossman
line (i.e., "it's all Clinton's fault - both Bushes are saints"). I guess
What horseshit.
Uh huh. That's what I say. The difference is that I'm right.
2003-12-10 15:50:45 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
Post by Greg Mossman
Bush fertilized 9/11. Clinton held it at bay until Junior's watch.
I know you are too smart to believe that tripe.
I figured you were too smart to fall for the standard Limbaugh/Coulter
Post by Greg Mossman
line (i.e., "it's all Clinton's fault - both Bushes are saints"). I
Post by Scott
Post by Greg Mossman
What horseshit.
Uh huh. That's what I say. The difference is that I'm right.
No, you are wrong.

Two things:

Limbaugh is an asshole in my book, always has been, no matter how many times
you try to align me with him, it simply isn't true.

Show me one single of Coulters writings that is fabrication or lie.

The sashay on over to the Brady Bunch site's, or the VPC and see how many
truths you can find.
Lee Bell
2003-12-10 15:54:38 UTC
Post by Scott
Show me one single of Coulters writings that is fabrication or lie.
I've not read any of Coulter's writings, but I've seen her on more than one
extemporaneous talk shows. I've always been impressed with the depth of her
knowledge and her ability to come up with conclusions quickly and based on
limited information.
Post by Scott
The sashay on over to the Brady Bunch site's, or the VPC and see how many
truths you can find.
I have read quite a bit of Ms Brady's stuff. She also has impressed me. In
this case, however, she impressed me with her willingness to lie outright
and/or to make information appear to support positions that, to everybody
else, it refutes. She's not only a liar, she's a damned liar.

2003-12-10 16:09:15 UTC
Post by Lee Bell
Post by Scott
Show me one single of Coulters writings that is fabrication or lie.
I've not read any of Coulter's writings, but I've seen her on more than one
extemporaneous talk shows. I've always been impressed with the depth of her
knowledge and her ability to come up with conclusions quickly and based on
limited information.
I have to admit I have not read a lot fo her articles, maybe 15 or so, but
what I have read held water.
Post by Lee Bell
Post by Scott
The sashay on over to the Brady Bunch site's, or the VPC and see how many
truths you can find.
I have read quite a bit of Ms Brady's stuff. She also has impressed me.
Post by Lee Bell
this case, however, she impressed me with her willingness to lie outright
and/or to make information appear to support positions that, to everybody
else, it refutes. She's not only a liar, she's a damned liar.
And a horribly obvious one at that.

Makes me wonder how or why anyone buys her BS. No one, let alone an huge
group of people, can be that naive, can they?
Chris Guynn
2003-12-10 16:14:44 UTC
Post by Lee Bell
Post by Scott
Show me one single of Coulters writings that is fabrication or lie.
I've not read any of Coulter's writings, but I've seen her on more than one
extemporaneous talk shows. I've always been impressed with the depth of her
knowledge and her ability to come up with conclusions quickly and based on
limited information.
Even of those conclusions are wrong... :-)
Post by Lee Bell
Post by Scott
The sashay on over to the Brady Bunch site's, or the VPC and see how many
truths you can find.
I have read quite a bit of Ms Brady's stuff. She also has impressed me.
Post by Lee Bell
this case, however, she impressed me with her willingness to lie outright
and/or to make information appear to support positions that, to everybody
else, it refutes. She's not only a liar, she's a damned liar.
Maybe worse, maybe she's a statstician...
Post by Lee Bell
Greg Mossman
2003-12-11 01:12:22 UTC
Post by Scott
Show me one single of Coulters writings that is fabrication or lie.
Read Al Franken's "Lies and the Big Fat Liars Who Tell Them". He has a
whole chapter documenting Coulter's fabrications and lies.
2003-12-11 02:37:53 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
Show me one single of Coulters writings that is fabrication or lie.
Read Al Franken's "Lies and the Big Fat Liars Who Tell Them". He has a
whole chapter documenting Coulter's fabrications and lies.

Al Franken is a comedian.
Jerome's Sock Puppet
2003-12-11 03:40:40 UTC
Post by Scott
Al Franken is a comedian.
He's also a Harvard graduate, and written a meticulously researched book.
Two chapters in it are dedicated to documenting the outright lies Coultier
spews on a daily basis.

Ya aught to read it.

Submergo ergo sum
Greg Mossman
2003-12-11 03:02:47 UTC
Post by Scott
Al Franken is a comedian.
So is Ann Coulter. At least Franken backs up his facts. And he's not
joking about Coulter being a liar.

I take it you haven't read the book. Are you afraid to see your heroine
shown up as the right-wing button-pushing scam artist she really is?
2003-12-11 16:19:46 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
So is Ann Coulter. At least Franken backs up his facts. And he's not
joking about Coulter being a liar.
Cites? I am way too busy to buy or read Frankens book. I dont even think he
is all that great of a comedian.
Post by Greg Mossman
I take it you haven't read the book. Are you afraid to see your heroine
shown up as the right-wing button-pushing scam artist she really is?
Quit trying to put words in my mouth, asshole.

She aint my heroine, she is your whipping post. The only reason I even
looked into it was because you try to
put her on me.

But, I have to say, her resume shows a lot more knowledge and *experience*
in DC politics than yours or Frankens.

One thing for sure, is that she is a lot better looking than Sarah, Hillary
or Monica.

Again, what I asked was for you to post a single lie she wrote that you can
prove, and you come back
with Al Franken.

You failed to make your case.
2003-12-11 16:47:33 UTC
Post by Scott
Post by Greg Mossman
So is Ann Coulter. At least Franken backs up his facts. And he's not
joking about Coulter being a liar.
Cites? I am way too busy to buy or read Frankens book. I dont even think he
is all that great of a comedian.
Post by Greg Mossman
I take it you haven't read the book. Are you afraid to see your heroine
shown up as the right-wing button-pushing scam artist she really is?
Quit trying to put words in my mouth, asshole.
She aint my heroine, she is your whipping post. The only reason I even
looked into it was because you try to
put her on me.
But, I have to say, her resume shows a lot more knowledge and *experience*
in DC politics than yours or Frankens.
One thing for sure, is that she is a lot better looking than Sarah, Hillary
or Monica.
Again, what I asked was for you to post a single lie she wrote that you can
prove, and you come back
with Al Franken.
You failed to make your case.
Greg Mossman
2003-12-11 16:52:44 UTC
Post by Scott
Cites? I am way too busy to buy or read Frankens book. I dont even think he
is all that great of a comedian.
Sure, the original Saturday Night Live wasn't funny at all.
Post by Scott
Quit trying to put words in my mouth, asshole.
You're the one who posted the URLs of adoration and gushed over her resume
as you do again below. I just draw my own conclusions.
Post by Scott
But, I have to say, her resume shows a lot more knowledge and *experience*
in DC politics than yours or Frankens.
And Al Gore's resume showed a lot more knowledge and *experience* in DC
politics than W's, so why didn't you vote for Gore? Resumes, like bras, are
often padded.
Post by Scott
One thing for sure, is that she is a lot better looking than Sarah, Hillary
or Monica.
Gee, that's a swell reason to trust her.
Post by Scott
Again, what I asked was for you to post a single lie she wrote that you can
prove, and you come back
with Al Franken.
Because I only have his book in MP3 form and I don't feel like transcribing
the entire chapter he wrote that demonstrates the many lies she's told when
you can simply read it for yourself. I don't have the time or the Harvard
grant that provided Franken with his research staff to write my own book.
Post by Scott
You failed to make your case.
Hardly. I gave a valid cite to a source that perfectly answers your request
for details of Coulter's lies. Now it's your turn. Either find a reputable
source that counters Franken, or do the work yourself and either prove Ann
right or Al wrong. And hurry up.
2003-12-12 02:35:49 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
Cites? I am way too busy to buy or read Frankens book. I dont even think
Post by Scott
is all that great of a comedian.
Sure, the original Saturday Night Live wasn't funny at all.
Post by Scott
Quit trying to put words in my mouth, asshole.
You're the one who posted the URLs of adoration and gushed over her resume
as you do again below. I just draw my own conclusions.
Post by Scott
But, I have to say, her resume shows a lot more knowledge and *experience*
in DC politics than yours or Frankens.
And Al Gore's resume showed a lot more knowledge and *experience* in DC
politics than W's, so why didn't you vote for Gore? Resumes, like bras, are
often padded.
Post by Scott
One thing for sure, is that she is a lot better looking than Sarah,
Post by Scott
or Monica.
Gee, that's a swell reason to trust her. (Ann Coulter)
an important part of her beauty is her intelligence.
2003-12-12 03:03:16 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
And Al Gore's resume showed a lot more knowledge and *experience* in DC
politics than W's, so why didn't you vote for Gore? Resumes, like bras, are
often padded.
How do you know I didnt?

You don't, but that doesn't stop you from extrapolating.
2003-12-11 02:48:50 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Read Al Franken's "Lies and the Big Fat Liars Who Tell Them". He has a
whole chapter documenting Coulter's fabrications and lies.
Funny, until you pushed the issue, I had not paid much attention to Ann.

Also funny, she is also a lawyer, and it would seem, much more educated and
read than you.

Here is some reading for you:





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Greg Mossman
2003-12-11 04:30:45 UTC
Post by Scott
Also funny, she is also a lawyer, and it would seem, much more educated and
read than you.
Sounds like she has the same education as me. As for read, I'm not in the
business of publishing right-wing propaganda so you're right on that count.
Though if you count the number of posts I've made to rec.scuba, multiplied
by the number of rec.scuba lurkers who read this crap, maybe I am more
published than Dear Ann. And, unlike Ann, I do it all free of charge out of
the bottom of my magnanimous altruistic heart.
And I gave you an incorrect name for Franken's book. It's actually called
"Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them." Check it out.
Scott McFadden
2003-12-11 19:20:14 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
And I gave you an incorrect name for Franken's book. It's actually called
"Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them." Check it out.
I just can't wait for Al's next, great, "book".

It's all about Bill Clinton, and called: "Perjuries, and the Perjuring
Perjurers Who Tell Them".

Check it out.
Chris Guynn
2003-12-11 16:29:37 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
Show me one single of Coulters writings that is fabrication or lie.
Read Al Franken's "Lies and the Big Fat Liars Who Tell Them". He has a
whole chapter documenting Coulter's fabrications and lies.
I think I'll do just that... right after I finish reading Coulter's book
"Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right". Then, if I'm feeling
really generous, I may even post a dual book report highlighting the main
topics. I've got both books in my Amazon cart right now...
Greg Mossman
2003-12-11 16:56:05 UTC
Post by Chris Guynn
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
Show me one single of Coulters writings that is fabrication or lie.
Read Al Franken's "Lies and the Big Fat Liars Who Tell Them". He has a
whole chapter documenting Coulter's fabrications and lies.
I think I'll do just that... right after I finish reading Coulter's book
"Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right". Then, if I'm feeling
really generous, I may even post a dual book report highlighting the main
topics. I've got both books in my Amazon cart right now...
Good. Franken points out many inaccuracies or outright lies in Slander.
You can tell us if Franken is right.

Still, I'd recommend checking Slander out from your local library. If Ann
truly is a big fat liar, why support her lies by giving her more money?
Chris Guynn
2003-12-11 17:42:01 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Chris Guynn
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
Show me one single of Coulters writings that is fabrication or lie.
Read Al Franken's "Lies and the Big Fat Liars Who Tell Them". He has a
whole chapter documenting Coulter's fabrications and lies.
I think I'll do just that... right after I finish reading Coulter's book
"Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right". Then, if I'm feeling
really generous, I may even post a dual book report highlighting the main
topics. I've got both books in my Amazon cart right now...
Good. Franken points out many inaccuracies or outright lies in Slander.
You can tell us if Franken is right.
Still, I'd recommend checking Slander out from your local library. If Ann
truly is a big fat liar, why support her lies by giving her more money?
Interestingly, I dropped the Coulter book from my shopping cart before
checkout, but not because I don't want to support her. I'm going go to the
local bookstore and pick it up this afternoon so I don't have to wait for
the shipper to deliver it. Then, I can read it while waiting for the other
books I ordered: Franken's and "What it Means to be a Libertarian" by
Charles Murray - that should give me a somewhat better view of things. If
any of them are any good I'll let you folks know.
2003-12-10 01:13:25 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
Clinton and his 8 years of nothing fertilized 9/11.
Bush fertilized 9/11. Clinton held it at bay until Junior's watch.
The only thing Willie held at bay for 8 years was attractive felatio

Al Wells
2003-12-10 01:26:56 UTC
Post by Curtis
The only thing Willie held at bay for 8 years was attractive felatio
You say that like it's a *bad* thing.

2003-12-10 02:08:50 UTC
Post by Al Wells
Post by Curtis
The only thing Willie held at bay for 8 years was attractive felatio
You say that like it's a *bad* thing.
Well, you would think that if he was going to show no character, at
least he could show some taste? (no pun intended)

2003-12-10 01:39:59 UTC
Post by Curtis
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
Clinton and his 8 years of nothing fertilized 9/11.
Bush fertilized 9/11. Clinton held it at bay until Junior's watch.
The only thing Willie held at bay for 8 years was attractive felatio
Hmmm, you mean he didn't keep the unattractive ones at bay?
2003-12-10 02:15:39 UTC
Post by chilly
Post by Curtis
The only thing Willie held at bay for 8 years was attractive felatio
Hmmm, you mean he didn't keep the unattractive ones at bay?
Only the one he was supposed to seduce.......

Dennis (Icarus)
2003-12-09 13:44:50 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by @peek.ssr.hp.com (Charlie Hammond)
...Hillary ... never ventured to the site of the biggest problem
that occured in her country in her lifetime. ...
Babett, I'm pretty certain that Hillary actualy was
in Washington while Bill was president.
What problem do you refer to? Peace, instead of war? Record surplus,
instead of record deficit and unemployment?
Or do you, as most Republicans, simply (emphasis on simple) feel that
Clinton's blowjob was the worst problem facing the country, instead of the
9/11 tragedy?
Bombed an asprin factory.
Bosnia (no whining about "exit strategy though - troops are still there)
Bombed Iraq

we had:
1st WTC bombing
Bombing of apts in Saudi Arabia
Bombing of USS Cole
Oklahoma City bombing
Sudan offered Osama bin Laden to us on a couple of occasions - turned 'em

Greg Mossman
2003-12-09 17:49:59 UTC
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Bombed an asprin factory.
And W has no civilian casualties on his watch? Good grief. Didn't we just
kill another bunch of kids in Afghanistan?
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Bosnia (no whining about "exit strategy though - troops are still there)
No whining because other countries share the burden. Because we had a
reason to be there. And because we were successful.
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Bombed Iraq
Kept them in line. Much more efficient than W's invasion.
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
1st WTC bombing
For which he successfully ought the terrorists to justice. Where's Osama
today? Where's Hussein today?
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Bombing of apts in Saudi Arabia
Bombing of USS Cole
Not on our soil.
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Oklahoma City bombing
This was Osama's fault?
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Sudan offered Osama bin Laden to us on a couple of occasions - turned 'em
Sure. And Daddy Bush sent weapons of mass destruction to Osama and made
sure he received proper training in their use. Which is worse?
Scott McFadden
2003-12-10 00:49:14 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Bosnia (no whining about "exit strategy though - troops are still there)
No whining because other countries share the burden.
British, Australian, Polish, Ukrainian, Spanish, Dutch, Romanian,
Italian, Bulgarian, Thai, Dannish, Honduran and Czech troops have also
deployed to Iraq (if I left out a country, and I'm pretty sure I
have, it is due to my ignorance and not an intentional slight) and are
soon to be joined by Japanese (non-combat) and So. Korean troops.

I bet that even the Frenchies will try to join up as soon as it's real
clear to them they're not needed.
Post by Greg Mossman
Because we had a reason to be there. And because we were successful.
What was that and, why do "we" need to still be there if it was
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Bombed Iraq
Kept them in line. Much more efficient than W's invasion.
You like keeping people "in line" this way as opposed to taking out
the real cause of their (and potentially our) problem?

How are the Iraqi people better off by an haphazard, ineffective, "on
again, off again", bombing strategy vs the reconstruction that is now
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
1st WTC bombing
For which he successfully ought the terrorists to justice.
Is that right?
Post by Greg Mossman
Where's Osama today?
On the run. BTW, didn't you just state that your hero "successfully
ought the terrorists to justice". You're tripping all over yourself
Post by Greg Mossman
Where's Hussein today?
On the run. Who knows, maybe he has already pulled a "Hitler" and
we'll never know for sure.
Dennis (Icarus)
2003-12-10 03:44:53 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Bombed an asprin factory.
And W has no civilian casualties on his watch? Good grief. Didn't we just
kill another bunch of kids in Afghanistan?
I was referring specifically to your comment:
"What problem do you refer to? Peace, instead of war?"
Juzt pointing out that Clinton had his share of battles.
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Bosnia (no whining about "exit strategy though - troops are still there)
No whining because other countries share the burden. Because we had a
reason to be there. And because we were successful.
And other countries share the burden in Iraq.
Is the reasons we're in Bosnia any more or less compelling?
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Bombed Iraq
Kept them in line. Much more efficient than W's invasion.
wasn't 'peace' though
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
1st WTC bombing
For which he successfully ought the terrorists to justice. Where's Osama
today? Where's Hussein today?
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Bombing of apts in Saudi Arabia
Bombing of USS Cole
Not on our soil.
but was it 'peace'? :-)
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Oklahoma City bombing
This was Osama's fault?
Didn't say it was.
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Sudan offered Osama bin Laden to us on a couple of occasions - turned 'em
Sure. And Daddy Bush sent weapons of mass destruction to Osama and made
sure he received proper training in their use. Which is worse?
WMDs to Osama? :-)

Greg Mossman
2003-12-10 07:19:13 UTC
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
"What problem do you refer to? Peace, instead of war?"
Juzt pointing out that Clinton had his share of battles.
Which he dealt with decisively instead of nuttering around Iraq.
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
And other countries share the burden in Iraq.
Sure, and now we have the highly experienced Japanese army joining us.
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Is the reasons we're in Bosnia any more or less compelling?
At the moment, it's probably amount the same amount of compellingness. The
difference is in how we got there.
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
wasn't 'peace' though
Like it is now? Get your head out of that quicksand or its likely to suck
the rest of you in.
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Directing major deadly terrorist assaults from in hiding, to be accurate.
That's a real positive step. Sure it is.
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
but was it 'peace'? :-)
Compared to the recent "peace"? Hell yeah.
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Didn't say it was.
Good. Because it's pretty irrelevant unless you want to point out that your
right-wing brethren were pissed off at Clinton enough to kill over a hundred
innocent people.
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
WMDs to Osama? :-)
Oh yeah. The means to employ terrorists and if terrorists aren't considered
"weapons of mass destruction" than your definitions are all screwed up.
Dennis (Icarus)
2003-12-10 14:45:39 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
"What problem do you refer to? Peace, instead of war?"
Juzt pointing out that Clinton had his share of battles.
Which he dealt with decisively instead of nuttering around Iraq.
Dont hear too mcuh about Saddam or Osama these days.
We're producing more electrical power in Iraq than there was before the war,
All the schools are open, courts too.
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
And other countries share the burden in Iraq.
Sure, and now we have the highly experienced Japanese army joining us.
You were the one who brought up that "other countries share the burden" in
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Is the reasons we're in Bosnia any more or less compelling?
At the moment, it's probably amount the same amount of compellingness.
Post by Greg Mossman
difference is in how we got there.
IIRC, not really.
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
wasn't 'peace' though
Like it is now? Get your head out of that quicksand or its likely to suck
the rest of you in.
You were the one who brougth up "peace, instead of war".
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Directing major deadly terrorist assaults from in hiding, to be accurate.
That's a real positive step. Sure it is.
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
but was it 'peace'? :-)
Compared to the recent "peace"? Hell yeah.
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Didn't say it was.
Good. Because it's pretty irrelevant unless you want to point out that your
right-wing brethren were pissed off at Clinton enough to kill over a hundred
innocent people.
Not my "brethren" or are yu willing to accept left-wing terrorists as your
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
WMDs to Osama? :-)
Oh yeah. The means to employ terrorists and if terrorists aren't considered
"weapons of mass destruction" than your definitions are all screwed up.
Ok, then by your definition, Iraq had many "weapons of mass destruction"
(means to emply terrorists - weapons and such right?). Or would you care to
"revise and extend?"

Chris Guynn
2003-12-09 15:20:19 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by @peek.ssr.hp.com (Charlie Hammond)
...Hillary ... never ventured to the site of the biggest problem
that occured in her country in her lifetime. ...
Babett, I'm pretty certain that Hillary actualy was
in Washington while Bill was president.
What problem do you refer to? Peace, instead of war? Record surplus,
instead of record deficit and unemployment?
Ummm... how about the inability/apathy to do ANYTHING about terrorism? Bush
may not be doing a great job at fighting terrorism (or he may be depending
on you outlook in the matter), but at least he's doing something.
Alan Street
2003-12-09 16:15:13 UTC
In article <TKlBb.257$***@newssvr23.news.prodigy.com>, Chris Guynn
<***@sbcglobal.N.O.S.P.A.M.net> wrote:

€"Greg Mossman" <***@qnet.com> wrote in message
€> "Charlie Hammond" <***@not@peek.ssr.hp.com> wrote in message
€> news:N43Bb.10316$%***@news.cpqcorp.net...
€> > In article <***@posting.google.com>,
€> > ***@hotmail.com (Salty) writes:
€> > .
€> > >...Hillary ... never ventured to the site of the biggest problem
€> > that occured in her country in her lifetime. ...
€> >
€> > Babett, I'm pretty certain that Hillary actualy was
€> > in Washington while Bill was president.
€> What problem do you refer to? Peace, instead of war? Record surplus,
€> instead of record deficit and unemployment?
€Ummm... how about the inability/apathy to do ANYTHING about terrorism? Bush
€may not be doing a great job at fighting terrorism (or he may be depending
€on you outlook in the matter), but at least he's doing something.

I would debate that he's doing much of anything, and what little he is
doing is making the situation worse.

Even Newt Gingrich is criticizing Bush's policy in Iraq. His comment,
"it isn't how many enemy you kill, but how many allies you grow,"
perfectly sums up the problem with Mr. Flight Suit's "bring 'em on"
strategy (and I don't particularily like Newt Gringrich).

Bush may yet end up being another one term President.

Chris Guynn
2003-12-09 16:25:44 UTC
"Alan Street" <***@nonono_irsi.com> wrote in message news:091220030815179236%***@nonono_irsi.com...
?Ummm... how about the inability/apathy to do ANYTHING about terrorism?
?may not be doing a great job at fighting terrorism (or he may be
?on you outlook in the matter), but at least he's doing something.
I would debate that he's doing much of anything, and what little he is
doing is making the situation worse.
Even Newt Gingrich is criticizing Bush's policy in Iraq. His comment,
"it isn't how many enemy you kill, but how many allies you grow,"
perfectly sums up the problem with Mr. Flight Suit's "bring 'em on"
strategy (and I don't particularily like Newt Gringrich).
Like I said, he may not be doing that great of a job fighting it, but at
least he's doing something instead of just giving it lip service.

C Guynn
Greg Mossman
2003-12-09 18:03:40 UTC
Post by Alan Street
Bush may yet end up being another one term President.
Well today he just informed Taiwan that they should remain part of communist
China (sort of contrasts with his Cuba policy, dontcha think?). So he now
has a few fewer Taiwanese-American voters.

"Only eight Americans had to be evacuated" in today's attacks in Iraq. The
right-wing-biased media tries to make this sound like a good thing, but it's
certainly taking a toll on Bush's ratings which have fallen to the lowest
point since he was elected. Meanwhile the Democrats have a field of
candidates, any one of them more honest than Bush, and many of them with
real military service too. Rush is back from rehab and will try to spin
things Bush's way as soon as he's done spinning his own illegal drug
addiction, and I'm sure Ann Coulter will write another few books that all
say the same thing and Fox News will keep the media flowing rightward, but I
personally believe Bush is done for.
Scott McFadden
2003-12-09 23:40:22 UTC
Meanwhile the Democrats have a field of candidates, any one of them more
honest than Bush, and many of them with real military service too.
LOL! Did lack of "real military service" prevent a cowardly draft
dodger from becoming President with well less than 50% of the popular
vote in 92?

Also, if Bush is/was lying about WMD's in Iraq, weren't the people
quoted below also lying?

Or, since they've seemed to have changed their "tune" are they lying

"Liars on the left, liars on the right."

"Liars are all we've got in sight."

"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical
weapons throughout his country."
— Al Gore, 23 Sept. 2002

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and
developing weapons of mass destruction."
— Sen. Ted Kennedy (D—MA), 27 Sept. 2002

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports
show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and
biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his
nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to
terrorists, including al Qaeda members. It is clear, however, that if
left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity
to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to
develop nuclear weapons."
— Sen. Hillary Clinton (D — NY), 10 Oct 2002

"[W]ithout question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal,
murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a
particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to
miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to
his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass
destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass
destruction is real ..."
— Sen. John F. Kerry (D — MA), 23 Jan. 2003
Lee Bell
2003-12-10 00:25:43 UTC
. . . but I personally believe Bush is done for.
One can only hope.
Lee Bell
2003-12-10 00:24:08 UTC
Post by Alan Street
Bush may yet end up being another one term President.
Please, please, please.
Greg Mossman
2003-12-09 17:53:32 UTC
Post by Chris Guynn
Ummm... how about the inability/apathy to do ANYTHING about terrorism?
Post by Chris Guynn
may not be doing a great job at fighting terrorism (or he may be depending
on you outlook in the matter), but at least he's doing something.
You must be talking about all those airport security measures. Yep. I've
heard they're real effective. Too bad Clinton didn't think of this.

I recall that Clinton found the terrorists responsible for the WTC bombing
and the Oklahoma Federal Building bombing. Has Bush arrested the guy
responsible for the terrorist acts on his watch?
Chris Guynn
2003-12-09 19:07:18 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Chris Guynn
Ummm... how about the inability/apathy to do ANYTHING about terrorism?
Post by Chris Guynn
may not be doing a great job at fighting terrorism (or he may be depending
on you outlook in the matter), but at least he's doing something.
You must be talking about all those airport security measures. Yep. I've
heard they're real effective. Too bad Clinton didn't think of this.
I recall that Clinton found the terrorists responsible for the WTC bombing
and the Oklahoma Federal Building bombing. Has Bush arrested the guy
responsible for the terrorist acts on his watch?
Actually, he's detained and/or arrested and/or killed many of them. Anyone
have the latest numbers on the Al Qaeda members who are currently being held
in Guantanamo?
Anders Arnholm
2003-12-10 09:34:05 UTC
Post by Chris Guynn
Actually, he's detained and/or arrested and/or killed many of them. Anyone
have the latest numbers on the Al Qaeda members who are currently being held
in Guantanamo?
You mean the people from different contries around the worlkd held
hostige without acusation or trial? Almost as bad as China, Sovetunion
or Irak at it worst of times. I foung that one in and kind of
civilices world where forced to state tha accutions to the people held
in jail. This with in a short time after the arrest, ually the case
has to come up in a court with in a week or two. At the moment US has
helt a loor of people from around the works alomst a year and has
still NOW given any reason for there arrest or presented any kind of
evidens in any kind of court. THAT is a scandal!

They may well be terrorist or other international criminals, then they
should be found gilty in an international court of justist or in the
nationsl justist system for the contry that they have made there
crimes in. But to kidnap then and throw then inte a holding area
without telling them anythign about what crimes they are sussepected
of and not haveing a chance to defend then self in any kind of legal
process thats is discusting. No democrasty should act like that!

/ Balp
http://anders.arnholm.nu/ Keep on Balping
2003-12-10 10:42:50 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by @peek.ssr.hp.com (Charlie Hammond)
...Hillary ... never ventured to the site of the biggest problem
that occured in her country in her lifetime. ...
Babett, I'm pretty certain that Hillary actualy was
in Washington while Bill was president.
What problem do you refer to? Peace, instead of war? Record surplus,
instead of record deficit and unemployment?
Or do you, as most Republicans, simply (emphasis on simple) feel that
Clinton's blowjob was the worst problem facing the country, instead of the
9/11 tragedy?
Greg, I posed the original statement of "the biggest problem that
occured in her country in her lifetime". If you please, I'll clarify
my position here. I'm a registered Democrat. For the most part, I
vote split ticket. I do not want to see a war. I think that Bush's war
on Iraq is wrong for so many reasons. I couldn't care less if Clinton
got sucked off in the White House... and in fact, I'd wish for a
President who was 'taken care of' every day and every way instead of
one who was left to feel edgey, aggressive and ended up yelling "I do
declare War !!" on any nation that angered him. Unemployment is a
problem here now. Lots of businesses going bankrupt here is a problem.
Bush represents old money and more importantly, oil money. He can't be
totally unbiased with re: to any moves on the Middle East just because
of the fact that he is tied in with oil. Not that the old Kennedy
money which was actually illegal booze-running money is any better.
(Hey Terminator !!) But... you need to look at what part of the
little man are they going to represent. You and I are the little man
in case you didnt' know. :) At this point, Bush isn't doing a good
job. Bill did alright for the most part. However, throwing his wife
into the equation is not easy to compute. I think she is just one to
many lawyer/politicians to take. Besides, I don't like the fact that
she smirks alot instead of truly smiling.
Mike from Ottawa
2003-12-11 00:47:32 UTC
On 10 Dec 2003 02:42:50 -0800, ***@hotmail.com (Salty) wrote:

Post by Salty
Greg, I posed the original statement of "the biggest problem that
occured in her country in her lifetime". If you please, I'll clarify
my position here. I'm a registered Democrat. For the most part, I
vote split ticket. I do not want to see a war. I think that Bush's war
on Iraq is wrong for so many reasons. I couldn't care less if Clinton
got sucked off in the White House... and in fact, I'd wish for a
President who was 'taken care of' every day and every way instead of
one who was left to feel edgey, aggressive and ended up yelling "I do
declare War !!" on any nation that angered him. Unemployment is a
problem here now. Lots of businesses going bankrupt here is a problem.
Bush represents old money and more importantly, oil money. He can't be
totally unbiased with re: to any moves on the Middle East just because
of the fact that he is tied in with oil. Not that the old Kennedy
money which was actually illegal booze-running money is any better.
(Hey Terminator !!) But... you need to look at what part of the
little man are they going to represent. You and I are the little man
in case you didnt' know. :) At this point, Bush isn't doing a good
job. Bill did alright for the most part. However, throwing his wife
into the equation is not easy to compute. I think she is just one to
many lawyer/politicians to take. Besides, I don't like the fact that
she smirks alot instead of truly smiling.
Salty, admitting you're a Democrat and possibly a moderate??!! I've
had the feeling for a while that all Americans were conservative, and
the liberals kept their heads low and stayed out of sight.

Many Americans I've spoken with say there's a lot of polarisation down
there, with, oddly, very few moderates perched in the middle.

Gutsy lady. Put on the flame-proof vest.

Mike from Ottawa
Greg Mossman
2003-12-11 02:10:59 UTC
Post by Mike from Ottawa
Salty, admitting you're a Democrat and possibly a moderate??!! I've
had the feeling for a while that all Americans were conservative, and
the liberals kept their heads low and stayed out of sight.
If all Americans were conservative, we wouldn't have had a Democrat winning
the last three presidential elections. The problem is that conservatives
are much more loud-mouthed, probably because of their rednecked upbringing.
We liberals are merely biding our time until the next election when we can
decisively unseat the idiot currently occupying the White House.
Post by Mike from Ottawa
Many Americans I've spoken with say there's a lot of polarisation down
there, with, oddly, very few moderates perched in the middle.
Most Democrats are moderates as are some Republicans and independents. Bush
pretended to be moderate before the election; only after did he reveal his
true Republican corporate-ass-kissing war-mongering environment-destroying
Post by Mike from Ottawa
Gutsy lady. Put on the flame-proof vest.
Why? She didn't say anything wrong (for once).
2003-12-11 03:41:20 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Why? She didn't say anything wrong (for once).
You have no soul, no guts, nothing but a desire to "win" no matter how far
you have to grovel.

You shit on her every time you got the chance until you got a whiff that she
may be a part of your "party".

Guess what?

I am a registered democrat as well, and I am sick of what the rest of this
party is doing to America and the constitution.

I am I going to change parties?

Not a chance, I am going to be the biggest thorn in this saddle I can be,
and I am going to point out and illustrate and illuminate
the socialist liberal BS and stupidity that this party has embraced at every
opportunity. It is not possible, no matter how much
counseling you have had, to lay the blame for everything on Bush, especially
since, as you so eloquently noted, that the Demo's
have held the last three Presidencies.

Bush isnt the problem, you assholes that cant accept or lay blame on whom it
belongs is the problem, especially if the problem
comes from or through your favorite pony. Makes the whole damned bunch of
you lower than cowards, it makes you liars and
whores. And whores to whom and for what? The honor of the Clintons? Go for
it. I hate the fucker, and his tramp wife for what
they have done to America, the constitution, the Presidency, and the
institutions of marriage and common fucking decency, not
to mention the disembowelment of the Democratic party.

Intergalactic Coalition to Promote Handguns Throughout the Universe
Greg Mossman
2003-12-11 04:38:59 UTC
Post by Scott
Post by Greg Mossman
Why? She didn't say anything wrong (for once).
You have no soul, no guts, nothing but a desire to "win" no matter how far
you have to grovel.
At least I'm consistent.
Post by Scott
You shit on her every time you got the chance until you got a whiff that she
may be a part of your "party".
Salty? I shit on her and praise her with equal measure, as I do the same to
you. I call you (and Salty) my friend because . . .
Post by Scott
Guess what?
Post by Scott
I am a registered democrat as well, and I am sick of what the rest of this
party is doing to America and the constitution.
News for you, bud. The Republican party ain't doing us no better.
Post by Scott
I am I going to change parties?
Not if you're driving, I hope.
Post by Scott
Not a chance, I am going to be the biggest thorn in this saddle I can be,
and I am going to point out and illustrate and illuminate
the socialist liberal BS and stupidity that this party has embraced at every
opportunity. It is not possible, no matter how much
counseling you have had, to lay the blame for everything on Bush, especially
since, as you so eloquently noted, that the Demo's
have held the last three Presidencies.
Likewise, you can't lay all the blame on Clinton even if you're jealous of
his Oval Office shenanigans.
Post by Scott
Bush isnt the problem, you assholes that cant accept or lay blame on whom it
belongs is the problem, especially if the problem
comes from or through your favorite pony. Makes the whole damned bunch of
you lower than cowards, it makes you liars and
whores. And whores to whom and for what? The honor of the Clintons? Go for
it. I hate the fucker, and his tramp wife for what
they have done to America, the constitution, the Presidency, and the
institutions of marriage and common fucking decency, not
to mention the disembowelment of the Democratic party.
Bush is a fucking corrupt idjit who has no business being president. Plain
and simple. The harm he is doing to this country and to foreign affairs
will outlast his presidency for years if not decades. You love him because
he isn't Clinton. But to me and to many other god-fearing Americans, he is
far, far worse.
2003-12-11 16:15:42 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
News for you, bud. The Republican party ain't doing us no better.
Luke 6:42 Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull
out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest
not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the
beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to
pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.
Post by Greg Mossman
Likewise, you can't lay all the blame on Clinton even if you're jealous of
his Oval Office shenanigans.
I dont lay all the blame on Clinton, I just bring up and out his BS whenever
you all blame *everything* on Bush.
Like when you trivialize his abuse of his office, power, the hired help, and
his dick. He's a slime ball.
Post by Greg Mossman
Bush is a fucking corrupt idjit who has no business being president.
Except that, due to 8 years of the previous administration, Bush was
elected. So, like it or not, he does have business
being president.You can lay Bush's election right at HillBillaries feet.
What, putting his dick in Monica's mouth was
an act of brilliance?
Post by Greg Mossman
Plain and simple. The harm he is doing to this country and to foreign
Post by Greg Mossman
will outlast his presidency for years if not decades. You love him because
he isn't Clinton. But to me and to many other god-fearing Americans, he is
far, far worse.
Saying that I love him doesn't make it true, as a matter of fact, if you go
back, you will see that I was calling the guy an idiot
before he was elected, and after. What I do support, and what has to be
done, is that we *have* to take this war against the
Islamic extremists to them, and fight it on their turf. Unless you and the
other lickspittles want to wait until they nuke or gas
us. And remember, 9/11 was only a partial success on their part. They fucked
up the Pentagon hit, and never made it to the
Whitehouse, but they were damned sure trying.

The whole thing is ugly, and going to get a lot uglier, and as long as the
only thing you can focus on is the fact that the democrats
lost the election, (through no fault of their own, right?) we are in for an
even longer haul.

And I'll add, the rag don't give a shit whether you are a liberal or a
conservative, they want to kill you and yours too, all they
need is the opportunity you would give them.
Alan Street
2003-12-11 16:33:25 UTC
In article <***@corp.supernews.com>, Scott
<***@localaxes.com> wrote:

€> Plain and simple. The harm he is doing to this country and to foreign
€> will outlast his presidency for years if not decades. You love him
€> he isn't Clinton. But to me and to many other god-fearing Americans, he
€> far, far worse.
€Saying that I love him doesn't make it true, as a matter of fact, if you go
€back, you will see that I was calling the guy an idiot
€before he was elected, and after. What I do support, and what has to be
€done, is that we *have* to take this war against the
€Islamic extremists to them, and fight it on their turf.

I agree with this statement, but it's important that you understand
what you've said.

First of all, this war is unlike anything we've ever fought, yet we're
fighing it like it was Vietnam. This is as much a war of idiology and
leadership as it is bombs and guerilla actions. It's easy to say the
only way to stop terrorism is to totally eradicate terrorists or
Islamic fundamentalists. The problem is that you can't without pretty
much totally destroying the human population of the earth.

Secondly, Iraq was the most secular country in the middle east, which
is the very reason we supported Sadaam Hussien for so long. THERE WERE
THEM UNDERGROUND. Sadaam may have wanted to use terrorists as
mercenaries after it became apparent they already wanted to attack us,
but that getting the cause and effect backwards. All we've done by
invading Iraq is unleash a pent up desire for those who were thinking
about becoming extremists. Stirring up a hornet's nest doesn't do any
good when the only weapon you've got against the hornets are

I've been saying all along that you fight this problem at it's source.
Yes, military action makes sense in places like Afghanistan where
military targets exist and where the enemy exists in high enough
concentration that military action can significantly weaken the
leadership. But you've also got to understand why people hate us and
take steps to change that perception. If we can sell McDonalds
hamburgers and Coca-Cola to every country on the planet, you'd think we
could get the message through that hating Americans is wrong.
Unfortunately, when "diplomats" like Flightsuit Boy try to run the PR
campaign, all it does is piss people off more.

Unless you and the
€other lickspittles want to wait until they nuke or gas
€us. And remember, 9/11 was only a partial success on their part. They fucked
€up the Pentagon hit, and never made it to the
€Whitehouse, but they were damned sure trying.
€The whole thing is ugly, and going to get a lot uglier, and as long as the
€only thing you can focus on is the fact that the democrats
€lost the election, (through no fault of their own, right?) we are in for an
€even longer haul.
€And I'll add, the rag don't give a shit whether you are a liberal or a
€conservative, they want to kill you and yours too, all they
€need is the opportunity you would give them.
2003-12-12 03:14:16 UTC
Post by Alan Street
I agree with this statement, but it's important that you understand
what you've said.
Post by Alan Street
First of all, this war is unlike anything we've ever fought, yet we're
fighing it like it was Vietnam.
I disagree. Basically, we are planted in the center of their world, and
baiting them to the fight, to which they are flocking
and being killed or arrested.
Post by Alan Street
This is as much a war of idiology and
leadership as it is bombs and guerilla actions.
Ideology didnt kill the Marines in Beruit. Ideology didnt bring the twin
towers down.
Post by Alan Street
It's easy to say the only way to stop terrorism is to totally eradicate
terrorists or
Post by Alan Street
Islamic fundamentalists.
I dont see it as easy in any way, I see it as we have no choice. If we
ignore them, they will continue to escalte their attacks
against innocents.
Post by Alan Street
The problem is that you can't without pretty much totally destroying the
human population of the earth.

That would be their call.
Post by Alan Street
Secondly, Iraq was the most secular country in the middle east, which
is the very reason we supported Sadaam Hussien for so long. THERE WERE
He supported and would continue to support them, and we have yet to find out
what and where all his WMD's went.
He didnt flush 'em down the toilet.
Post by Alan Street
Sadaam may have wanted to use terrorists as
mercenaries after it became apparent they already wanted to attack us,
but that getting the cause and effect backwards. All we've done by
invading Iraq is unleash a pent up desire for those who were thinking
about becoming extremists. Stirring up a hornet's nest doesn't do any
good when the only weapon you've got against the hornets are
We have a lot more than firecrackers. We have freedom and resolve on our
Post by Alan Street
I've been saying all along that you fight this problem at it's source.
Yes, military action makes sense in places like Afghanistan where
military targets exist and where the enemy exists in high enough
concentration that military action can significantly weaken the
leadership. But you've also got to understand why people hate us and
take steps to change that perception.
In my view, we have been trying that for too many years. It is better to be
feared than loved in this world.
Post by Alan Street
If we can sell McDonalds hamburgers and Coca-Cola to every country on the
planet, you'd think we
Post by Alan Street
could get the message through that hating Americans is wrong.
Unfortunately, when "diplomats" like Flightsuit Boy try to run the PR
campaign, all it does is piss people off more.
He made a visual statement in support of the troops.

No foul.

Greg Mossman
2003-12-11 17:03:24 UTC
Post by Scott
Luke 6:42 Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull
out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest
not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the
beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to
pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.
Speak English please. I'm not Amish.
Post by Scott
I dont lay all the blame on Clinton, I just bring up and out his BS whenever
you all blame *everything* on Bush.
Like when you trivialize his abuse of his office, power, the hired help, and
his dick. He's a slime ball.
No, you started it.
Post by Scott
Except that, due to 8 years of the previous administration, Bush was
elected. So, like it or not, he does have business
being president.You can lay Bush's election right at HillBillaries feet.
What, putting his dick in Monica's mouth was
an act of brilliance?
I don't count a 5-4 vote as a presidential election. Obviously more voting
Americans favored Gore even if the true electrorate count will never be
Post by Scott
Saying that I love him doesn't make it true, as a matter of fact, if you go
back, you will see that I was calling the guy an idiot
before he was elected, and after. What I do support, and what has to be
done, is that we *have* to take this war against the
Islamic extremists to them, and fight it on their turf. Unless you and the
other lickspittles want to wait until they nuke or gas
us. And remember, 9/11 was only a partial success on their part. They fucked
up the Pentagon hit, and never made it to the
Whitehouse, but they were damned sure trying.
I supported the Afghanistan war much more than the Iraq invasion for your
reasons. But your reasons are simply not relevant to Iraq.
Post by Scott
The whole thing is ugly, and going to get a lot uglier, and as long as the
only thing you can focus on is the fact that the democrats
lost the election, (through no fault of their own, right?) we are in for an
even longer haul.
Not that long. The next election is thankfully less than a year away and
then matters will be righted.
Post by Scott
And I'll add, the rag don't give a shit whether you are a liberal or a
conservative, they want to kill you and yours too, all they
need is the opportunity you would give them.
That sounds like a morale speech meant to get 17-year-old privates riled up
enough to kill commie gooks in their own country. But it doesn't fly with
me. There is more than one form of "the rag" and more than one way to deal
with them.
Dazed and Confuzed
2003-12-12 02:29:42 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
Luke 6:42 Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull
out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest
not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the
beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to
pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.
Speak English please. I'm not Amish.
Post by Scott
I dont lay all the blame on Clinton, I just bring up and out his BS
Post by Scott
you all blame *everything* on Bush.
Like when you trivialize his abuse of his office, power, the hired help,
Post by Scott
his dick. He's a slime ball.
No, you started it.
Post by Scott
Except that, due to 8 years of the previous administration, Bush was
elected. So, like it or not, he does have business
being president.You can lay Bush's election right at HillBillaries feet.
What, putting his dick in Monica's mouth was
an act of brilliance?
I don't count a 5-4 vote as a presidential election. Obviously more voting
Americans favored Gore even if the true electrorate count will never be
Post by Scott
Saying that I love him doesn't make it true, as a matter of fact, if you
Post by Scott
back, you will see that I was calling the guy an idiot
before he was elected, and after. What I do support, and what has to be
done, is that we *have* to take this war against the
Islamic extremists to them, and fight it on their turf. Unless you and the
other lickspittles want to wait until they nuke or gas
us. And remember, 9/11 was only a partial success on their part. They
Post by Scott
up the Pentagon hit, and never made it to the
Whitehouse, but they were damned sure trying.
I supported the Afghanistan war much more than the Iraq invasion for your
reasons. But your reasons are simply not relevant to Iraq.
Post by Scott
The whole thing is ugly, and going to get a lot uglier, and as long as the
only thing you can focus on is the fact that the democrats
lost the election, (through no fault of their own, right?) we are in for
Post by Scott
even longer haul.
Not that long. The next election is thankfully less than a year away and
then matters will be righted.
I'll take 20 to your favorite charity that you are wrong. care to bet?

An amateur built the ark ....professionals built the Titanic.
Greg Mossman
2003-12-12 02:26:28 UTC
Post by Dazed and Confuzed
I'll take 20 to your favorite charity that you are wrong. care to bet?
Nope. If Bush loses we'll all be winners already.
Dazed and Confuzed
2003-12-12 03:46:17 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Dazed and Confuzed
I'll take 20 to your favorite charity that you are wrong. care to bet?
Nope. If Bush loses we'll all be winners already.
figured you wouldn't pout any money or honor on your statement


An amateur built the ark ....professionals built the Titanic.
2003-12-12 02:35:21 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
I don't count a 5-4 vote as a presidential election.
happily, the constitution, the supreme court,
and many reasonable people, could give less of a shit
as to what you think / interpret as reasonable.
2003-12-12 03:05:30 UTC
"Greg Mossman" <***@qnet.com> wrote in message news:3fd8a2c1$0$75801$***@news.qnet.com...

Man, you are getting weak.
Joe English
2003-12-11 12:46:31 UTC
Post by Scott
Bush isnt the problem, you assholes that cant accept or lay blame on whom it
belongs is the problem, especially if the problem
comes from or through your favorite pony. Makes the whole damned bunch of
you lower than cowards, it makes you liars and
whores. And whores to whom and for what? The honor of the Clintons? Go for
it. I hate the fucker, and his tramp wife for what
they have done to America, the constitution, the Presidency, and the
institutions of marriage and common fucking decency, not
to mention the disembowelment of the Democratic party.
As much as I can't stand the Clinton's ( I, too, a registered Democrat)
don't understand how you can call Hiliary a tramp. I don't loke her,
she stayed with her husband because of political expediency. But have
nver seen the piano leg give any indication that she is a tramp.

Chris Guynn
2003-12-11 16:17:57 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Mike from Ottawa
Salty, admitting you're a Democrat and possibly a moderate??!! I've
had the feeling for a while that all Americans were conservative, and
the liberals kept their heads low and stayed out of sight.
If all Americans were conservative, we wouldn't have had a Democrat winning
the last three presidential elections.
I guess that all Americans are conservative then since a democrat has only
won 2 of the last 3 presidential elections.

The problem is that conservatives
Post by Greg Mossman
are much more loud-mouthed, probably because of their rednecked upbringing.
I'd guess it's because they don't make people want to vomit every time they
speak... :-)
Post by Greg Mossman
We liberals are merely biding our time until the next election when we can
decisively unseat the idiot currently occupying the White House.
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Mike from Ottawa
Many Americans I've spoken with say there's a lot of polarisation down
there, with, oddly, very few moderates perched in the middle.
Most Democrats are moderates as are some Republicans and independents.
Post by Greg Mossman
pretended to be moderate before the election; only after did he reveal his
true Republican corporate-ass-kissing war-mongering environment-destroying
He won the Republican primary... what did you expect from him?

Much like if Gore had won after presenting himself as a moderate he would
have revealed his true Democratic welfare-ass-kissing illegal-alien-loving
socialist-state-promoting colors.
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Mike from Ottawa
Gutsy lady. Put on the flame-proof vest.
Why? She didn't say anything wrong (for once).
Greg Mossman
2003-12-11 17:06:37 UTC
Post by Chris Guynn
Much like if Gore had won after presenting himself as a moderate he would
have revealed his true Democratic welfare-ass-kissing illegal-alien-loving
socialist-state-promoting colors.
And hopefully he would have ditched the gun-loving front as well.
2003-12-08 22:57:26 UTC
Post by @peek.ssr.hp.com (Charlie Hammond)
...Hillary ... never ventured to the site of the biggest problem
that occured in her country in her lifetime. ...
Babett, I'm pretty certain that Hillary actualy was
in Washington while Bill was president.
LOL !! Well she was in Washington while the biggest problem that Bill
had occured. But she didn't go to NYC to see Ground Zero for a long,
long while after it happened... and she should have.
mike gray, CID
2003-12-08 21:39:20 UTC
Post by Salty
Well we know that Hillary wouldn't do a photo-op because she doesn't
want the media to compare her to Monica. LMAO
But regardless of the other politicians' motives... they were there.
They made a point to see what happened, what the crater looked like.
But this bimbo Hillary is a state senator who never ventured to the
site of the biggest problem that occured in her country in her
lifetime. Do you realize that ?? She never went to see the biggest
problem that happened in her country... and in her state... the state
she is supposed to represent. She's a vampire who tries to suck the
life out of ppl. She is an asshole who does not deserve our support in
any way shape or form.
And, worst of all, she's got legs like a piano.
Chris Guynn
2003-12-08 21:49:04 UTC
"mike gray, CID" <***@worldnut.nut> wrote in message news:cc6Bb.417116$***@bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
Post by mike gray, CID
And, worst of all, she's got legs like a piano.
Those must be some really friggin huge legs. Like a piano... can you play
2003-12-09 04:04:04 UTC
Post by mike gray, CID
Post by Salty
Well we know that Hillary wouldn't do a photo-op because she doesn't
want the media to compare her to Monica. LMAO
But regardless of the other politicians' motives... they were there.
They made a point to see what happened, what the crater looked like.
But this bimbo Hillary is a state senator who never ventured to the
site of the biggest problem that occured in her country in her
lifetime. Do you realize that ?? She never went to see the biggest
problem that happened in her country... and in her state... the state
she is supposed to represent. She's a vampire who tries to suck the
life out of ppl. She is an asshole who does not deserve our support in
any way shape or form.
And, worst of all, she's got legs like a piano.
I thought they were milk bottles.
2003-12-09 18:27:21 UTC
Post by mike gray, CID
And, worst of all, she's got legs like a piano.
You checked out her legs ?? Just how much eggnog have you had to drink ??
mike gray, CID
2003-12-10 14:37:49 UTC
Post by Salty
Post by mike gray, CID
And, worst of all, she's got legs like a piano.
You checked out her legs ?? Just how much eggnog have you had to drink ??
Trust me. You can always judge a woman by her legs.
Al Wells
2003-12-10 14:41:43 UTC
Post by mike gray, CID
Trust me. You can always judge a woman by her legs.
Damn, I'll have to pay more attention there. I never make it down that
Mike from Ottawa
2003-12-11 00:42:17 UTC
On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 14:37:49 GMT, "mike gray, CID"
Post by mike gray, CID
Post by Salty
Post by mike gray, CID
And, worst of all, she's got legs like a piano.
You checked out her legs ?? Just how much eggnog have you had to drink ??
Trust me. You can always judge a woman by her legs.
I thought it was by the size of her areolas. OK, now I'll check the
legs, too.

Mike from Ottawa
2003-12-11 01:32:45 UTC
Post by Mike from Ottawa
I thought it was by the size of her areolas. OK, now I'll check the
legs, too.
2003-12-09 03:05:26 UTC
Post by Salty
Well we know that Hillary wouldn't do a photo-op because she doesn't
want the media to compare her to Monica. LMAO
But regardless of the other politicians' motives... they were there.
They made a point to see what happened, what the crater looked like.
But this bimbo Hillary is a state senator who never ventured to the
site of the biggest problem that occured in her country in her
lifetime. Do you realize that ?? She never went to see the biggest
problem that happened in her country... and in her state... the state
she is supposed to represent. She's a vampire who tries to suck the
life out of ppl. She is an asshole who does not deserve our support in
any way shape or form.
"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has just returned from a badwill
tour of Iraq, seeking to use the façade of saluting the troops and
sharing their Thanksgiving to undermine the political support for
their mission. ... It is fine for a U.S. senator to go to Iraq
to see for herself what the conditions are over there. ... What
is NOT OK is to attack the president while you are there or to
use your visit as a platform to criticize the war effort and
the Pentagon. ... With Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton for a friend,
American soldiers don't need any more enemies." --Dick Morris
2003-12-09 18:25:13 UTC
Post by Scott
"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has just returned from a badwill
tour of Iraq, seeking to use the façade of saluting the troops and
sharing their Thanksgiving to undermine the political support for
their mission. ... It is fine for a U.S. senator to go to Iraq
to see for herself what the conditions are over there. ... What
is NOT OK is to attack the president while you are there or to
use your visit as a platform to criticize the war effort and
the Pentagon. ... With Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton for a friend,
American soldiers don't need any more enemies." --Dick Morris
I'm ignorant about her visit there, Scott. It seems that Mr Morris is
saying that she visited with the troops and she hinted that they have
no business being there ?? Regardless of what I think about the war,
if this is what she did, then it seems to me that she did not help the
morale of the soldiers at all... and perhaps, she made them feel even
more down about being there instead of home for the holidays.
Chris Guynn
2003-12-09 19:12:12 UTC
Post by Salty
Post by Scott
"Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has just returned from a badwill
tour of Iraq, seeking to use the façade of saluting the troops and
sharing their Thanksgiving to undermine the political support for
their mission. ... It is fine for a U.S. senator to go to Iraq
to see for herself what the conditions are over there. ... What
is NOT OK is to attack the president while you are there or to
use your visit as a platform to criticize the war effort and
the Pentagon. ... With Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton for a friend,
American soldiers don't need any more enemies." --Dick Morris
I'm ignorant about her visit there, Scott. It seems that Mr Morris is
saying that she visited with the troops and she hinted that they have
no business being there ?? Regardless of what I think about the war,
if this is what she did, then it seems to me that she did not help the
morale of the soldiers at all... and perhaps, she made them feel even
more down about being there instead of home for the holidays.
She went (and cut in line to eat making a number of soldiers wait for an
extra hour+ to get their meal after she showed up an hour late) and talked
with the troops (rumor has it that none of the soldiers actually volunteered
to sit with her, but were forced too). While she was in Afghanistan (IIRC)
she said that many people were concerned about the presidents decisions
(absolutely true) and that the outcome of the war was uncertain. As an
important clarification, she didn't say this directly to the troops.
Personally, I think that her saying these things was not a problem and the
fact that she said them while overseas was not really a problem either. Had
she said them directly to the troops, I would have had a real problem.
2003-12-10 06:57:28 UTC
Post by Chris Guynn
She went (and cut in line to eat making a number of soldiers wait for an
extra hour+ to get their meal after she showed up an hour late) and talked
with the troops (rumor has it that none of the soldiers actually volunteered
to sit with her, but were forced too). While she was in Afghanistan (IIRC)
she said that many people were concerned about the presidents decisions
(absolutely true) and that the outcome of the war was uncertain. As an
important clarification, she didn't say this directly to the troops.
Personally, I think that her saying these things was not a problem and the
fact that she said them while overseas was not really a problem either. Had
she said them directly to the troops, I would have had a real problem.
Ohhh...I see. Thanks for clarifying Chris.
Chris Guynn
2003-12-10 16:17:32 UTC
Post by Salty
Post by Chris Guynn
She went (and cut in line to eat making a number of soldiers wait for an
extra hour+ to get their meal after she showed up an hour late) and talked
with the troops (rumor has it that none of the soldiers actually volunteered
to sit with her, but were forced too). While she was in Afghanistan (IIRC)
she said that many people were concerned about the presidents decisions
(absolutely true) and that the outcome of the war was uncertain. As an
important clarification, she didn't say this directly to the troops.
Personally, I think that her saying these things was not a problem and the
fact that she said them while overseas was not really a problem either.
Post by Salty
Post by Chris Guynn
she said them directly to the troops, I would have had a real problem.
Ohhh...I see. Thanks for clarifying Chris.
no problem...
2003-12-09 04:02:42 UTC
Post by uwattimes
Post by Salty
Post by newz
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
Too bad that they couldn't 'honor' her by tying her ankles around an
anchor and dropping her into the ocean for good. The bitch has nerve
enough to claim that she was attempting to protect the NY residents
from the WTC rubble when she wouldn't even set foot on the scene to
see exactly what took place for nearly a year. In fact, I'll bet that
the only reason that she did end up visiting the site is because some
ppl took a discrediting note to her absence when all of the rest of
the politicians were there and looking over what needed to be done.
She's a disgrace.
BS - All the other politicians were there for phot-ops and to get
suckers to vote for them.
Oh, and I guess her trip to Afganistan and Iraq weren't? As for what the
people here in NY thought of her, she attended a function at Madison Sq
Garden and was roundly boo'ed by the fire fighters, police officers and
anyone else that was there.
Sorry, I am still waiting for someone to tell me what she has done for NY.
2003-12-09 04:56:53 UTC
Post by TonyP
Post by uwattimes
Post by newz
Post by newz
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
Post by TonyP
Post by uwattimes
Post by newz
Too bad that they couldn't 'honor' her by tying her ankles around an
anchor and dropping her into the ocean for good. The bitch has nerve
enough to claim that she was attempting to protect the NY residents
from the WTC rubble when she wouldn't even set foot on the scene to
see exactly what took place for nearly a year. In fact, I'll bet that
the only reason that she did end up visiting the site is because some
ppl took a discrediting note to her absence when all of the rest of
the politicians were there and looking over what needed to be done.
She's a disgrace.
BS - All the other politicians were there for phot-ops and to get
suckers to vote for them.
Oh, and I guess her trip to Afganistan and Iraq weren't? As for what the
people here in NY thought of her, she attended a function at Madison Sq
Garden and was roundly boo'ed by the fire fighters, police officers and
anyone else that was there.
Sorry, I am still waiting for someone to tell me what she has done for NY.
left it for Washington.
@peek.ssr.hp.com (Charlie Hammond)
2003-12-08 14:53:34 UTC
Post by Salty
Post by newz
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
Too bad that they couldn't 'honor' her by tying her ankles around an
anchor and dropping her into the ocean for good. ...
Shame on you, Babette! Shame, Shame, Shame!
To even suggest that an ocean advocacy group would so polute the ocean.
Charlie Hammond -- Hewlett-Packard Company -- Ft Lauderdale FL USA
(***@not@peek.ssr.hp.com -- remove "@not" when replying)
All opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily my employer's.
2003-12-08 19:03:52 UTC
Post by @peek.ssr.hp.com (Charlie Hammond)
Post by Salty
Post by newz
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
Too bad that they couldn't 'honor' her by tying her ankles around an
anchor and dropping her into the ocean for good. ...
Shame on you, Babette! Shame, Shame, Shame!
To even suggest that an ocean advocacy group would so polute the ocean.
LOL Charlie, you are right. She would make a big stink in the ocean.

Hey, regardless, I hope you and your family have a great holiday.
Charlie.. the best of the season and the best of the new year to you.
2204. Do it with glee !! :)
Dennis (Icarus)
2003-12-09 13:36:49 UTC
Post by Calamari
Post by @peek.ssr.hp.com (Charlie Hammond)
Post by Salty
Post by newz
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
Post by Calamari
Post by @peek.ssr.hp.com (Charlie Hammond)
Post by Salty
Too bad that they couldn't 'honor' her by tying her ankles around an
anchor and dropping her into the ocean for good. ...
Shame on you, Babette! Shame, Shame, Shame!
To even suggest that an ocean advocacy group would so polute the ocean.
LOL Charlie, you are right. She would make a big stink in the ocean.
Hey, regardless, I hope you and your family have a great holiday.
Charlie.. the best of the season and the best of the new year to you.
2204. Do it with glee !! :)
I'll try - I think I'll be finished decomposing by then.

2003-12-10 07:00:09 UTC
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Post by Calamari
Hey, regardless, I hope you and your family have a great holiday.
Charlie.. the best of the season and the best of the new year to you.
2204. Do it with glee !! :)
I'll try - I think I'll be finished decomposing by then.
Ack !! What a typo !! LOL Well the best of 2004 & 2204 to you Dennis !!
If you would, please ping me when you have a moment. :)
Dennis (Icarus)
2003-12-10 14:38:22 UTC
Post by Salty
Post by Dennis (Icarus)
Post by Calamari
Hey, regardless, I hope you and your family have a great holiday.
Charlie.. the best of the season and the best of the new year to you.
2204. Do it with glee !! :)
I'll try - I think I'll be finished decomposing by then.
Ack !! What a typo !! LOL Well the best of 2004 & 2204 to you Dennis !!
If you would, please ping me when you have a moment. :)
:-) I was hoping you'd like that one.

2003-12-11 02:51:38 UTC
She is great. She pisses off you republican pukes. thats all she needs
to do in my book.
Post by Salty
Post by newz
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
Too bad that they couldn't 'honor' her by tying her ankles around an
anchor and dropping her into the ocean for good. The bitch has nerve
enough to claim that she was attempting to protect the NY residents
from the WTC rubble when she wouldn't even set foot on the scene to
see exactly what took place for nearly a year. In fact, I'll bet that
the only reason that she did end up visiting the site is because some
ppl took a discrediting note to her absence when all of the rest of
the politicians were there and looking over what needed to be done.
She's a disgrace.
2003-12-11 03:42:32 UTC
Post by jchaplain
She is great. She pisses off you republican pukes. thats all she needs
to do in my book.
And as such, you deserve her.
2003-12-11 13:32:57 UTC
Post by Scott
Post by jchaplain
She is great. She pisses off you republican pukes. thats all she needs
to do in my book.
And as such, you deserve her.
Then, I guess you must be on eof those republican pukes.
She makes no difference to me.
But since she bothers you so much, as such, you're getting what you
deserve. Hopefully she pisses you off so much that you'll bust a blood
vessel over it. one less idiot then.
Chris Guynn
2003-12-11 17:27:43 UTC
Post by jchaplain
She is great. She pisses off you republican pukes. thats all she needs
to do in my book.
Hmmm... this attitude explains a lot...
Post by jchaplain
Post by Salty
Post by newz
Ocean advocacy group honors Hillary Clinton
Post by jchaplain
Post by Salty
Too bad that they couldn't 'honor' her by tying her ankles around an
anchor and dropping her into the ocean for good. The bitch has nerve
enough to claim that she was attempting to protect the NY residents
from the WTC rubble when she wouldn't even set foot on the scene to
see exactly what took place for nearly a year. In fact, I'll bet that
the only reason that she did end up visiting the site is because some
ppl took a discrediting note to her absence when all of the rest of
the politicians were there and looking over what needed to be done.
She's a disgrace.