In article <***>, Scott
<***> wrote:
€> Plain and simple. The harm he is doing to this country and to foreign
€> will outlast his presidency for years if not decades. You love him
€> he isn't Clinton. But to me and to many other god-fearing Americans, he
€> far, far worse.
€Saying that I love him doesn't make it true, as a matter of fact, if you go
€back, you will see that I was calling the guy an idiot
€before he was elected, and after. What I do support, and what has to be
€done, is that we *have* to take this war against the
€Islamic extremists to them, and fight it on their turf.
I agree with this statement, but it's important that you understand
what you've said.
First of all, this war is unlike anything we've ever fought, yet we're
fighing it like it was Vietnam. This is as much a war of idiology and
leadership as it is bombs and guerilla actions. It's easy to say the
only way to stop terrorism is to totally eradicate terrorists or
Islamic fundamentalists. The problem is that you can't without pretty
much totally destroying the human population of the earth.
Secondly, Iraq was the most secular country in the middle east, which
is the very reason we supported Sadaam Hussien for so long. THERE WERE
THEM UNDERGROUND. Sadaam may have wanted to use terrorists as
mercenaries after it became apparent they already wanted to attack us,
but that getting the cause and effect backwards. All we've done by
invading Iraq is unleash a pent up desire for those who were thinking
about becoming extremists. Stirring up a hornet's nest doesn't do any
good when the only weapon you've got against the hornets are
I've been saying all along that you fight this problem at it's source.
Yes, military action makes sense in places like Afghanistan where
military targets exist and where the enemy exists in high enough
concentration that military action can significantly weaken the
leadership. But you've also got to understand why people hate us and
take steps to change that perception. If we can sell McDonalds
hamburgers and Coca-Cola to every country on the planet, you'd think we
could get the message through that hating Americans is wrong.
Unfortunately, when "diplomats" like Flightsuit Boy try to run the PR
campaign, all it does is piss people off more.
Unless you and the
€other lickspittles want to wait until they nuke or gas
€us. And remember, 9/11 was only a partial success on their part. They fucked
€up the Pentagon hit, and never made it to the
€Whitehouse, but they were damned sure trying.
€The whole thing is ugly, and going to get a lot uglier, and as long as the
€only thing you can focus on is the fact that the democrats
€lost the election, (through no fault of their own, right?) we are in for an
€even longer haul.
€And I'll add, the rag don't give a shit whether you are a liberal or a
€conservative, they want to kill you and yours too, all they
€need is the opportunity you would give them.