In article <oH9Qc.87873$***@attbi_s51>, Cpt. Dale Bennett
<***> wrote:
"Jason" <***> wrote in message
> Of course, some tables use dive time and not bottom time.
> Jason
All the computers that I am familiar with use dive time in their logging
feature. Depth pressure is integrated over time in a way that is just not
possible with tables. Usually, if the computer measures less than 3 to 5
fsw for more than about 5 minutes it resets to a new dive. If pressure is
restored within this time (the diver descends) the computer continues to
consider the exposure a single dive. However, with a computer this does not
usually change the way the algorithm calculates the exposure. The only real
difference is in how it logs the dive(s).
Safe diving,
Dale Bennett
Captain Dale's, Inc.
Enterprise Marine, Inc., Dive Charters
Read it again, "captain".
"We're going to rush the hijackers."
-Jeremy Glick, aboard United Airlines flight 93, September 11, 2001