Post by Grumman-581Post by dechuckaOK I think you win. None of the blokes that I know who were diving in the
60's had a C-card they just went diving.
The 'need' for a C-card was directly related to the shops requiring one in
order for you to get an air fill... Even into the mid-1980s, I was able to
fairly easily get air fills without a C-card... I can even remember
renting gear in the early 1980s without a C-card... I suspect that quite a
few of us from the early days just didn't bother getting one until they
absolutely *had* to... I managed to skate by until 1999... Was taking a
trip to Cozumel and figured that I wouldn't be able to skate by down
there, so I went and got rubberstamped...
That was more or less true in my case. My first training was through a YMCA
instructor that needed to keep his training certification current. That was
in 1962. No card was issued. By 1969, some local shops were beginning to
ask for certification cards for fills and, every once in a while, would
suggest they would no longer be doing fills for those that could not present
one. It was, then, and is now, simply a way to increase their own revenues.
I simply went someplace else until, in 1969, I had a chance to get certified
more or less for free. I was a lifeguard and swimming instructor for Dade
County. The pool where I worked, offered NAUI scuba training which we were
allowed to take for no more than the cost of the boat ride for check out
dives. It was a deal whose time was right. I took the course and got the