Triple-L Scuba Gear
(too old to reply)
Paul Johnson
2003-07-10 07:29:53 UTC
Ive been looking at this gear on Ebay here in Aus and have looked at the
www.triple-l.net website and the gear is extremely cheap considering they
are the manufacturer , has anybody seen this stuff in the flesh and if so
whats it like as the rep here in Aus is doing some pretty cheap prices

is there anyone with any knowledge of this stuff in here who could fill me
in on this gear a bit

Paul Johnson
2003-07-12 05:04:10 UTC
wow thanks for that , the guy on ebay aus sells them for $450- $500 ( the
orion aka poseidon tech lift ) , ive just ordered one from him certainly
seems cheap

thanks heaps

Post by Paul Johnson
Ive been looking at this gear on Ebay here in Aus and have looked at the
www.triple-l.net website and the gear is extremely cheap considering they
are the manufacturer , has anybody seen this stuff in the flesh and if so
whats it like as the rep here in Aus is doing some pretty cheap prices
is there anyone with any knowledge of this stuff in here who could fill me
in on this gear a bit
Yeah, for what it is they're quite well made/designed. One of their BCDs
(the Orion???) is the OEM version of the Poseiden Techlift, which is quite
an expensive and well regarded BCD. In Perth, Dolphin dive have some of
them on display. There's also a review on http://www.diveoz.com.au I
David M
2003-07-12 10:35:12 UTC
Post by Paul Johnson
wow thanks for that , the guy on ebay aus sells them for $450- $500 ( the
orion aka poseidon tech lift ) , ive just ordered one from him certainly
seems cheap
thanks heaps
No worries Paul. How 'bout when you get/dive it posting a little review of
it for us all?

David M
2003-07-15 00:52:55 UTC
Hi DavidM,
On the subject of people looking for stuff....does anyone
know where i might find a stuffed Rabbit??? hehehehehe
Post by DavidM
Post by Paul Johnson
wow thanks for that , the guy on ebay aus sells them for $450- $500 ( the
orion aka poseidon tech lift ) , ive just ordered one from him certainly
seems cheap
thanks heaps
No worries Paul. How 'bout when you get/dive it posting a little review of
it for us all?
David M
2003-07-17 14:01:20 UTC
On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 08:52:55 +0800, "MMackay-Blair"
<***@iinet.net.au> after fucking a goat and obviously still in a
delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>Hi DavidM,
ooo yeah> On the subject of people looking for
stuff....does anyone
ooo yeah>know where i might find a stuffed Rabbit??? hehehehehe

Nope but I know there is a stuffed duck with a value on it :)

www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs
2003-07-20 01:49:47 UTC
Kewl where can I get that from.
Post by
On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 08:52:55 +0800, "MMackay-Blair"
ooo yeah>Hi DavidM,
ooo yeah> On the subject of people looking for
stuff....does anyone
ooo yeah>know where i might find a stuffed Rabbit??? hehehehehe
Nope but I know there is a stuffed duck with a value on it :)
www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs
2003-07-20 16:24:10 UTC
On Sun, 20 Jul 2003 09:49:47 +0800, "MMackay-Blair"
<***@iinet.net.au> after fucking a goat and obviously still in a
delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>Kewl where can I get that from.

Need you ask Duck Fucker?

www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs
2003-07-21 16:14:37 UTC
Could see anything more than Duck Fucker Language, TRY AGAIN DUCK

www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs
2003-07-22 00:38:57 UTC
Yes me and my shotgun do fuck ducks quite nicely thankyou. and on the
subject of delusional states how are yours going John....... Do you think
you are still a man or what. Did you enjoy your little respite in
Hollywood....being the big rough tough Ex CD on a pension you know what
Hollywood is dont youn or would you perfer Ward 21 at Concorde. Oh BTW have
you ever really checked what shin splints are, because I doubt DVA would
touch you plus the fact that your supposed service is outside the date
requiredment for DVA....Try MCRS idiot next time you want to make up a
story. And dont come the crap about case officers again because I am on A
T&PI an have never had a case officer. Fool
Post by
Could see anything more than Duck Fucker Language, TRY AGAIN DUCK
www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs
2003-07-22 02:49:32 UTC
MUHAHAHA shot guns.

Wake up DUCK FUCKER and keep ya dick out of Mark. Dont know where
that filthy fool has been.

www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-07-22 02:53:05 UTC
Hey DUCK FUCKER. I have never said I am on a Pension.

You fuckwits keep going down that issue.

You seem to know alot about that WARD21 is that where you started

LOL DVA outside of service.... lol ya off ya head, try again stupid.

Oh so Marks Taxes are paying for you not me :))))))))))))

Gets better and better.

Best you both get ya stories straight cos ya losing this arguement

www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-07-22 05:12:23 UTC
ohhh mr watson , you cant remember all the stories you of told us over the
years can you,,

sin bin 12 hours ,,

we are in control, not you .so sit here and play with your self for twelve
hours we will answer you then and not before .

bye xx
This mailbox protected from junk email by Matador
from MailFrontier, Inc. http://info.mailfrontier.com
Post by
Hey DUCK FUCKER. I have never said I am on a Pension.
You fuckwits keep going down that issue.
You seem to know alot about that WARD21 is that where you started
LOL DVA outside of service.... lol ya off ya head, try again stupid.
Oh so Marks Taxes are paying for you not me :))))))))))))
Gets better and better.
Best you both get ya stories straight cos ya losing this arguement
www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs
Mark Francis Kennedy
PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280
ABN: 89 166 741 894
income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids
GST 10 % of anything I spend my income
Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST
here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old
income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids
GST 10 % of anything I spend my income
my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,
this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all
2003-07-23 23:48:58 UTC
Whats that Duck Fucker? Running out of material I see.

www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-07-23 23:52:05 UTC
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 23:40:13 +0800, "MMackay-Blair"
<***@iinet.net.au> after fucking a goat and obviously still in a
delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>Aww poor Bugsy losing the plot so much he cant even remember
his own
ooo yeah>lies...whoops I mean stories. Do we need to refresh your own
memory John
ooo yeah>about you valient and Brave Naval service. Or should just
skip to the part
ooo yeah>where you jumped ship...........hehehehe.btw My shotgun also
fucks Rabbits
ooo yeah>quite well too John.
ooo yeah>


Hey should you get the name write before you start talking bullshit?

Well I guess it doesn't matter you are so lost in your own bullshit
and so far up Marks arse its obvious you as the Duck Fucker is losing
ground quickly.

www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-07-24 09:25:34 UTC
2003-07-25 00:49:43 UTC
On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 17:25:34 +0800, "MMackay-Blair"
<***@iinet.net.au> after fucking a goat and obviously still in a
delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>Yawn..............
ooo yeah>

That was an obvious responce from you DUCK FUCKER given the material
you have to work with.

www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-07-25 04:42:49 UTC
well you so right there big boy ,
you are very poor material. but we still work you well,
mark xx
This mailbox protected from junk email by Matador
from MailFrontier, Inc. http://info.mailfrontier.com
Post by
On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 17:25:34 +0800, "MMackay-Blair"
ooo yeah>Yawn..............
ooo yeah>
That was an obvious responce from you DUCK FUCKER given the material
you have to work with.
www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs
Mark Francis Kennedy
PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280
ABN: 89 166 741 894
income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids
GST 10 % of anything I spend my income
Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST
here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old
income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids
GST 10 % of anything I spend my income
my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,
this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all
2003-07-27 03:57:47 UTC
Now you are a "we"?

So Singapore government wouldn't take you eh?

What a shame

www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-07-27 12:00:20 UTC
No... but your government might take you.......

Destiny Bugsy. do you beleive in it ,,, I would.
Mark kennedy
(remove the xx)
Ph: 0417024474
Post by
Now you are a "we"?
So Singapore government wouldn't take you eh?
What a shame
www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs
Mark Francis Kennedy
PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280
ABN: 89 166 741 894
income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids
GST 10 % of anything I spend my income
Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST
here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old
income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids
GST 10 % of anything I spend my income
my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,
this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all
2003-07-17 14:16:12 UTC
I think the focus was just on the stuff duck :)
Hey Bugsy - have you seen any of the TripleL BCDs? What did you think? Not
a backplate by any stretch of the imagination, and not a Transpac either,
but they're not too bad for a "normal" BCD for singles...

David M
2003-07-18 02:05:34 UTC
Post by
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>Hey Bugsy - have you seen any of the TripleL BCDs? What did
you think? Not
ooo yeah>a backplate by any stretch of the imagination, and not a
Transpac either,
ooo yeah>but they're not too bad for a "normal" BCD for singles...
ooo yeah>
do you have a URL
Post by
I am more into ReBreath shit at the moment
Still the Drager or have you gone CCR?

David M
2003-07-18 14:44:20 UTC
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>Still the Drager or have you gone CCR?
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>Cheers
ooo yeah>David M
ooo yeah>

New CCR on the way :)

www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs
2003-07-19 04:48:19 UTC
Post by
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>Still the Drager or have you gone CCR?
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>Cheers
ooo yeah>David M
ooo yeah>
New CCR on the way :)
Cool - which one?

David M
2003-07-21 00:53:34 UTC
next time bugsy ( John Watson ) you send an email trying to tell people how
bad I am please do not send any more to people who are
a relatives
b masons
c or ex navy
d all of the above

it really does not improve your standing down here ,

regards Mark xx
This mailbox protected from junk email by Matador
from MailFrontier, Inc. http://info.mailfrontier.com
Post by DavidM
Post by
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>Still the Drager or have you gone CCR?
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>Cheers
ooo yeah>David M
ooo yeah>
New CCR on the way :)
Cool - which one?
David M
2003-07-21 16:16:19 UTC
On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 08:53:34 +0800, <***@mrdduck.com> after fucking a
goat and obviously still in a delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>next time bugsy ( John Watson ) you send an email trying to
tell people how
ooo yeah>bad I am please do not send any more to people who are
ooo yeah>a relatives
ooo yeah>b masons
ooo yeah>c or ex navy
ooo yeah>d all of the above
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>it really does not improve your standing down here ,
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>regards Mark xx

Muhahaha the DUCK THAT GETS FUCKED....

Sorry Ducky I wouldnt waste my time emailing any of your lame shit.

Seems you have enough problems :)

PS I really do love the John Watson Stuff :))))

www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs
Paul Johnson
2003-07-16 12:00:41 UTC
just got my orion dual bladder bcd , faaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkk , i cant
beleive how good it is absolutely fantastic $500 AUD leaves all these ( well
most anyway ) especially for this sort of money ) other pcs of shit bcd's
behind , go to ebay .com.au and search under scuba , he calls himself the
scuba dude he has the full range for sale and i got full warranty as he is
factory authorised , cant wait to use it on the weekend

Post by DavidM
Post by Paul Johnson
wow thanks for that , the guy on ebay aus sells them for $450- $500 ( the
orion aka poseidon tech lift ) , ive just ordered one from him certainly
seems cheap
thanks heaps
No worries Paul. How 'bout when you get/dive it posting a little review of
it for us all?
David M