Forgive me for piggybacking onto this message, but I'm not posting
from home at the moment...
Rob McIntyre wrote...
Post by Rob McIntyrePost by rayThankyou both for the information provided. Shore dives sound good until
i'm up and running.I will definately be looking to buy secondhand. I'm not
sure if there are any brands to stay away from but i may just purchase some
ex student gear.
Ray, second hand can be good, and it can be bad, you need to be
careful, you can get stuck with some real lemons... you should take a
diving friend with you who knows about this stuff, or buy second hand
from a shop, but not from the trading post without being careful about
what you're getting... I'd hate to see you get stung! When I first
started diving I asked around, and found that a friend's husband used
to be an instructor, so I took him with me everytime I wanted to check
out second hand gear in Cash Converters or from the paper. Sometimes
you can find a whole package of gear from someone who doesn't dive
anymore that has not been used much - e.g. a friend of mine recently
bought regs, computer, BCD, wetsuit, fins, weightbelt for $800, the
gear was only 18 months old and had only been used 8 times... so keep
your eyes open for bargains like that!
Post by Rob McIntyreShore diving in Port Phillip bay is somewhat limited by the
shallowness of the whole bay.
Rob, you can say that again, last time I was in Melbourne we tried to
go skinny dipping in the bay... we must have walked out 300m or more
and water was still only up to our thighs! Most disappointing!!! :-)
Post by Rob McIntyrePost by rayWould 5mm be warm enough for Melbourne or should i be
looking for 7mm.??
Hmmmm.... cold is all relative... I really feel the cold, so a 5mm
would not be enough for me down there... in fact, when I was in
Melbourne last summer I was freezing cold and shivering every dive,
and I was in a 5mm semi-dry. If you only want to dive in summer then a
2-piece 5mm should be plentiful. But I'd recommend you hire a few to
try first, and see what you prefer... you may well hate the 2-piece
7mm feeling, it can be kinda claustrophobic to start with, and I could
never get used to it, so I got a drysuit so that I'd never have to
wear a 7mm wettie ever again! a one-piece 5mm semidry wetsuit should
cost you about $350-500 new, and a 2 piece 7mm about $600... if you
went to a wetsuit manufacturer you can get one made to fit and they
are often cheaper than commercial suits... even if they are more
expensive, if you have an odd shape (tall, wide, short, etc) they are
definately worth the added expense.
Post by Rob McIntyrePost by raySecondly, i was interested to see that you mentioned uni and army diving
clubs. Victoria uni has a club but i believe that it is only for students
and their families???, the Army club sounds interesting but do you have to
be in the reserves???
Don't quote me on this, but they might be open to anyone. A local uni
here will allow anyone who has ever recieved a degree from anywhere in
the world to join.
The Army club may or may not exist anymore, it did when I lived there
but I can't remember contact details. Search Google for "army
melbourne dive" or something like that.
The Police probably also have a club. Not sure if you have anything to
do with any of these organisations but they're common organisations
that have clubs - there are also many others. Totally agree with Rob
that commercial shops are only worthwhile if you're spending money in
the shop. Most shops local to me charge a $50/year fee to join their
dive club, which gives you a free sausage once a month, discount dive
gear and boat dives, but they don't provide any shore dives or
anything else free to members, and I'm a veggo so don't eat
sausages... so I haven't joined any of them!
Post by Rob McIntyrePost by rayI don't mean to sound stingy but i'm 40 and have a young family to care for.
You don't sound stingy, just like everyone new trying to get into
diving, you don't want to sell your firstborn just to blow bubbles
occasionally :-)