PADI logged dives card 25? 50? 100? how to get it ?
(too old to reply)
2003-07-24 08:15:08 UTC

Is it true that the way to get the PADI Logged dives card has changed

Read this:

Unfortunately, PADI no longer produces certification cards as in the
past. Instead, we now have an "Adventure Log Recognition Certificate"
(this is a page that you can include in your log book – if you have a
PADI Adventure Log book binder). Any PADI Dive Centre, Resort or PADI
Instructor member can order this product for you (PADI Product #
#70055); these are tabbed certificates to be signed by a PADI member
who needs to verify your diving experience – the certificate states
that you have achieved 50, 100, 200, 350 or 1000 dives.

Is this true ?

Are they making sure we dive only with PADI dive centers and with PADI
members ?

And what happens to all my dives so far ? THey wont be certified ? I
have done many with no PADI members and some with no PADI resorts so ?

Please tell me how can I get certified for my past logged dives how
can I get a card.


2003-07-24 08:45:55 UTC
Post by Mario
Please tell me how can I get certified for my past logged dives how
can I get a card.
I think SSI still do them if you're that desperate. The whole thing smacks
of badge collecting to me. I can't really see why anyone would want one.
Presumably not many people did, which was why PADI dropped it.

http://www.scuba-addict.co.uk/ for trip reports including the Maldivian
islands of Kuredu, Fesdu, Meedhupparu and Summer Island Village
mike gray
2003-07-24 17:04:33 UTC
Post by Mario
Please tell me how can I get certified for my past logged dives how
can I get a card.
Just out of curiousity, why exactly do you want this card? Aren't the
actual logbook entries sufficient to document your diving experience?
Yeah, agreed.

But PADI also had this little glass "trophy" thing that I was going to
get a friend for his 1,000th. I was disappointed that it's no longer

All I really have to do is go to a trophy shop, I know (they don't ask
to see the log books), but someone could make a buck marketing a nice one.
Reef Fish
2003-07-24 20:06:21 UTC
Post by Mario
Please tell me how can I get certified for my past logged dives how
can I get a card.
Just out of curiousity, why exactly do you want this card? Aren't the
actual logbook entries sufficient to document your diving experience?
For one thing, it's easy to budge your dive numbers 20-30 to read
3920-3930 (I know somebody well known in this newsgroup who CONSIDERED
FAKING his log for 5000 dives <BG> so that he can get the 5,000-dive
Experience Card -- this is the only person who bragged about putting
me in his "blocked list" -- you can easily figure out who is is), but
it's not as easy to produce (or fake) a log of the first 1-3919 dives. :-)

For more legit reasons, see:

-- Bob.
2003-07-24 22:07:33 UTC
Post by Reef Fish
For one thing, it's easy to budge your dive numbers 20-30 to read
3920-3930 (I know somebody well known in this newsgroup who CONSIDERED
FAKING his log for 5000 dives <BG> so that he can get the 5,000-dive
Experience Card -- this is the only person who bragged about putting
me in his "blocked list" -- you can easily figure out who is is), but
it's not as easy to produce (or fake) a log of the first 1-3919 dives. :-)
For the retiree with plenty of time, it's not that hard to fake 3900
entries. Or for anyone with a couple hours of time, make a software
random log generator with a list of local sites, travel spots, temp
ranges...it can do the rest.
...and the point of faking logged dives is???? Surely you're just cheating
2003-07-25 20:59:48 UTC
Post by Bardo
...and the point of faking logged dives is???? Surely you're just cheating
what a silly question.
Er... why? Seems perfectly reasonable to me. Unless you feel the need to
engage in a diver's pissing competition (I know you rec.scuba boys do that
sort of thing on a regular basic, though), I fail to see what faking the
number of logged dives actually achieves...
Jason O'Rourke
2003-07-25 22:36:18 UTC
Personally I prefer to be honest about the number of dives I've done -
faking dives to impress others is just sad and in the end, the only person
who really cheat is yourself...
Who said anything about doing it to impress others?

Bardo - you seem to have read endorsements in this thread rather than
what it is - a howto for anyone that might care. You seem very concerned
about it, in any event. Who cares?
Jason O'Rourke www.jor.com
2003-07-26 08:55:48 UTC
Post by Jason O'Rourke
Personally I prefer to be honest about the number of dives I've done -
faking dives to impress others is just sad and in the end, the only person
who really cheat is yourself...
Who said anything about doing it to impress others?
Well personally I could see no other reason why anyone would want to fake a
log book. After all, you're never going to convince yourself that you've
done more dives than you actually have so what other reason could there
possibly be? The only other reason I could think of is it fullfill training
prerequisites - minimum of 100 logged dives, and so on. Doing that, of
course, would just make you a fraud...
Post by Jason O'Rourke
Bardo - you seem to have read endorsements in this thread rather than
what it is - a howto for anyone that might care. You seem very concerned
about it, in any event. Who cares?
If I were to fake my log book, *I'd* care!
Lazarus X
2003-07-27 22:57:39 UTC
Post by Reef Fish
Post by Jason O'Rourke
Personally I prefer to be honest about the number of dives I've done -
faking dives to impress others is just sad and in the end, the only
Post by Jason O'Rourke
who really cheat is yourself...
Who said anything about doing it to impress others?
Well personally I could see no other reason why anyone would want to fake a
log book. After all, you're never going to convince yourself that you've
done more dives than you actually have so what other reason could there
possibly be? The only other reason I could think of is it fullfill training
prerequisites - minimum of 100 logged dives, and so on. Doing that, of
course, would just make you a fraud...
Post by Jason O'Rourke
Bardo - you seem to have read endorsements in this thread rather than
what it is - a howto for anyone that might care. You seem very concerned
about it, in any event. Who cares?
If I were to fake my log book, *I'd* care!
It is a pointless exercise anyway. I can't remember the last time
someone asked to look at my log book.


A foolproof method for sculpting an Elephant:
First, get a huge block of marble. Then, chip away
everything that doesn't look like an Elephant.
Change "nospam" to "ntlworld" to reply.
Michael Painter
2003-07-28 00:27:31 UTC
It is a pointless exercise anyway. I can't remember the last time
someone asked to look at my log book.
May I see your log book please?

That help?

Lazarus X
2003-07-27 22:55:43 UTC
Post by Bardo
what a silly question.
Er... why? Seems perfectly reasonable to me. Unless you feel the need to
engage in a diver's pissing competition (I know you rec.scuba boys do that
sort of thing on a regular basic, though), I fail to see what faking the
number of logged dives actually achieves...
A thicker logbook.
Which hurts more when you beat each other over the head with them!

I can see the inquest now "It couldn't have been diver error, he had
4000 dives logged".

P.S. My dad is bigger than yours ;-)


A foolproof method for sculpting an Elephant:
First, get a huge block of marble. Then, chip away
everything that doesn't look like an Elephant.
Change "nospam" to "ntlworld" to reply.
Jason O'Rourke
2003-07-25 18:56:34 UTC
For the retiree with plenty of time, it's not that hard to fake 3900
entries. Or for anyone with a couple hours of time, make a software
random log generator with a list of local sites, travel spots, temp
ranges...it can do the rest.
How would you explain doing two dives the same day in two separate oceans,
as surely your "random log generator" would produce. That is, unless you
just put in dives from within a few miles of each other. That would make
you look like a person with a lot of dives but not with a lot of experience.
Come on - you can do better than that. First you pick a weekend and
decide if you're diving or not. Then a high probability that it would
be local - Monterey, North Coast, or LA. Then 2 or 3 spots each day from
that area. If instead it's a vacation, 7 days (6 diving) at one of
several spots: maui, roatan, cozumel, the keys.

It doesn't have to be a stupid random generator - the above would be
50 lines of code or less, coupled with a list of potential locations.
The bigger potential troublespot is if it generates times and depths that
are implausible, due to geography or nitrogen.

But really - who will look so closely? Or at all?
Jason O'Rourke www.jor.com
2003-07-25 18:57:04 UTC
How would you explain doing two dives the same day in two separate
as surely your "random log generator" would produce.
Doesn't it take boats over 2 days to get through the Panama Canal? Now mind
you, I am aware that you can drive much faster than a boat works it's way
through a series of locks, even in Central America. (I grew up in MI and
spent plenty of time at the Soo and Niagara Locks as a kid) But at the very
least, aren't there some mountains in the way? Would those not cause you to
violate the "altitude restriction?" Even if you could drive from the
Atlantic to the Pacific coast of Panama in 12 hours or less.

2003-07-25 20:32:03 UTC
"suds" wrote ...
Post by suds
Doesn't it take boats over 2 days to get through the Panama Canal? Now mind
you, I am aware that you can drive much faster than a boat works it's way
through a series of locks, even in Central America. (I grew up in MI and
spent plenty of time at the Soo and Niagara Locks as a kid) But at the very
least, aren't there some mountains in the way? Would those not cause you to
violate the "altitude restriction?" Even if you could drive from the
Atlantic to the Pacific coast of Panama in 12 hours or less.
The canal is 50 miles long, requires 8-10 hours to transit via water, is
approximately 43 miles from entrance to exit via air, and is around 312 ft
above sea level at its highest point...


So, is it possible? Yeah... Have many people done it? Probably not, but
there surely at least someone has done it over the years...
Dan Bracuk
2003-07-26 00:19:14 UTC
"suds" <***@hawaii{is the #1 state for Spam eaters}.rr.com> entertained
us with:
:How would you explain doing two dives the same day in two separate oceans,


Dan Bracuk
As Big Ben said to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, I've got the time if you've got the inclinaion.
The Best of Rec.Scuba

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2003-07-27 19:59:42 UTC
How would you explain doing two dives the same day in two separate oceans,
South Africa.

http://www.scuba-addict.co.uk/ for Aussie diving reports including
the Coral Sea, Ningaloo reef, the Solitaries and Byron Bay
Alasdair Allan
2003-07-24 20:17:15 UTC
Post by Mario
Please tell me how can I get certified for my past logged dives how
can I get a card.
Just out of curiousity, why exactly do you want this card? Aren't the
actual logbook entries sufficient to document your diving experience?
Out of curiosity, whats the point of logbooks? I don't keep one anymore,
having gotten bored (and lazy) after a few hundred dives, so why do people
still bother? Its always seemed a bit odd to me...!? Or am I just lazier
than most people about keeping documentation?

2003-07-24 20:17:36 UTC
Post by Alasdair Allan
Post by Mario
Please tell me how can I get certified for my past logged dives how
can I get a card.
Just out of curiousity, why exactly do you want this card? Aren't the
actual logbook entries sufficient to document your diving experience?
Out of curiosity, whats the point of logbooks? I don't keep one anymore,
having gotten bored (and lazy) after a few hundred dives, so why do people
still bother? Its always seemed a bit odd to me...!? Or am I just lazier
than most people about keeping documentation?
I think you've answered your own question.

You refer to it as 'documentation', which reflects your view of what it's
there for.

I presume you don't write a diary, or take photographs when you go on

Most people use a logbook to remind them of the time they were leading a
wreck diving course, only to find the small mexican divemaster had followed
them into the wreck, whilst merily winding up the reel...doh!!!

Or the time they foolishly forgot about the cross current running at Chesil
Beach, and ended the dive 1 mile from shore, heading past the Bill.....doh!

Even looking back at the cold wet days in December, in 6°c water, in a
crappy quarry whilst it p'd it down makes me grin, and my logbook brings
back those dives that I could have easily forgotten.

When I make it to 500 dives, then I'll think about stopping the logging of
them, but I doubt I will. If I've got bored of writing about the dives, then
they can't be that interesting anymore, and I'll have to find something else
to liven them up.....possibly apnea ;-)
2003-07-24 20:19:40 UTC
Post by Alasdair Allan
Post by Mario
Please tell me how can I get certified for my past logged dives how
can I get a card.
Just out of curiousity, why exactly do you want this card? Aren't the
actual logbook entries sufficient to document your diving experience?
Out of curiosity, whats the point of logbooks? I don't keep one anymore,
having gotten bored (and lazy) after a few hundred dives, so why do people
still bother? Its always seemed a bit odd to me...!? Or am I just lazier
than most people about keeping documentation?
It's also a very good place to write the phone numbers and details of
attractive female divers that you may meet on your travels!!!
Jason O'Rourke
2003-07-24 20:32:13 UTC
Post by Alasdair Allan
Out of curiosity, whats the point of logbooks? I don't keep one anymore,
having gotten bored (and lazy) after a few hundred dives, so why do people
still bother? Its always seemed a bit odd to me...!? Or am I just lazier
than most people about keeping documentation?
Over years, you could develope decent information about the likely temp
and viz for your local dive spots. Some people just like to record the
fish life seen.

As long as it serves a purpose for you, worth doing. Otherwise, forget it.
Jason O'Rourke www.jor.com
2003-07-24 23:02:08 UTC
Post by Alasdair Allan
Out of curiosity, whats the point of logbooks? I don't keep one anymore,
Well apparently it's now a State requirement in Queensland so that you can
show when you last dived. Otherwise they make you do a checkout dive.

I've logged all my dives. It's useful for UK dives to know how deep the
wreck really was and whether it's worth doing again.

And for foreign trips I log the details so that I can then write them up
for the trip reports on my website.

http://www.scuba-addict.co.uk/ for Aussie diving reports including
the Coral Sea, Ningaloo reef, the Solitaries and Byron Bay
Alasdair Allan
2003-07-24 23:39:40 UTC
Post by Jason
Post by Alasdair Allan
Out of curiosity, whats the point of logbooks? I don't keep one
Well apparently it's now a State requirement in Queensland so that you
can show when you last dived. Otherwise they make you do a checkout dive.
Dear God, its a world gone mad, mad I tell you... :(

2003-07-25 19:18:19 UTC
"Alasdair Allan" wrote ...
Post by Alasdair Allan
Out of curiosity, whats the point of logbooks?
So that when you are old and feeble, you can remember your dives?
that you can remember where your log book might be... Hmmm... I guess that
means that there is no purpose to them...
There are plenty of folks on this newsgroup who can either confirm or deny
your hypothesis. Mr. Grey, would you care to comment? C|;^{)

I know one gentleman, an instructor, who stopped logging all work related
dives after he hit 10,000. Now he only logs pleasure dives that he feels
merit the documentation for personal reasons. I can understand that.

Rich Lockyer
2003-07-25 07:20:10 UTC
You asked about this same stupid thing last month.

Who cares how many dives PADI thinks you have?
It's a non-issue.
Just dive and have fun.

And please quit trolling.
Post by Mario
Is it true that the way to get the PADI Logged dives card has changed
Unfortunately, PADI no longer produces certification cards as in the
past. Instead, we now have an "Adventure Log Recognition Certificate"
(this is a page that you can include in your log book – if you have a
PADI Adventure Log book binder). Any PADI Dive Centre, Resort or PADI
Instructor member can order this product for you (PADI Product #
#70055); these are tabbed certificates to be signed by a PADI member
who needs to verify your diving experience – the certificate states
that you have achieved 50, 100, 200, 350 or 1000 dives.
Is this true ?
Are they making sure we dive only with PADI dive centers and with PADI
members ?
And what happens to all my dives so far ? THey wont be certified ? I
have done many with no PADI members and some with no PADI resorts so ?
Please tell me how can I get certified for my past logged dives how
can I get a card.
--- Rich