Post by H. HuntzingerSo, How do we go about freeing these creatures? Obviously the law doesn't
work. Any suggestions please?
I'd love to outline how this could be done, but someone within sight
of this post may rat out any plan I could concoct on such short
This dolphin amusement park is intended to increase tourism revenue, so
the strongest message you can send is that its going to backfire
For example, you can start a "Divers Boycott Cozumel/Cancun in December"
I include Cozumel as well as every other part of Mexico because the
dolphin import was approved by the President of Mexico. Find his
address and write him, telling him that you're not going to be spending
your tourist dollars in Mexico, and that you're boycotting all known
services and exports of his country.
As a consumer, there's nothing illegal about voting with your wallet.
BTW, Grand Cayman is thinking about starting a dolphin park in the next
few way to stop that one is to make a strong statement now
against this one, and make your opposition evident in altered revenues.
Well, gee whillikers, Mr. HH - if I voted with my wallet against
everything that way, I'd never spend a dime anywhere. I'm unaware of
a square inch on this whole planet that suits me completely. Besides,
it's a little late to be witholding my money from Mexico, I've already
done that in the U.S. Somehow you seem to have gotten the wrong
impression - I don't run a democracy - I run things the same way they
do - in your face and/or up your ass. I'm not an American so I'm not
gonna sit around hoping their mood changes, I'm gonna change it myself.
Let's assume you're the kissy-kissy dolphin proprietor... I'm gonna
get in your face and tell what I think about it. I'm gonna stand
around insulting every other client that even looks like they're gonna
drag their money inside your gate. I'm gonna make these people feel
like idiots for even thinking nice thoughts about you. I'm gonna make
you sorry you ever met a nutcase like me. And you know why? 'cause
if you don't give a shit - here's a clue - I don't either. I don't
like what you're doingand I'm not about to be nice about it. I'm
intend to be the bitch your mother warned you about. And while you're
standing around looking at me, you won't be looking around behind your
The Mexican government didn't necessarily say they approved anything,
they said couldn't see anything wrong with it, (which I'll admit
amounts to tacit approval). It also tells me they're dumb as a stump
because practically everyone else does. In my camp, you lose points
for being an idiot, and more if that idiocy hurts my friends. Since I
don't see anything wrong with whatever we dream up, I suppose I'll
offer tacit approval for that too.
Nah, sorry HH, that dog of yours don't hunt around here.
Grand Cayman? yeah, been there, maybe it'll be time for a return trip
during my next bad mood. Which president screwed that up?
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"All that we do is touched with ocean, yet we remain on the shore of
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