Hey Scubazine!
(too old to reply)
Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-13 23:14:20 UTC
Were these the whining, Anti-American remarks that you missed?
so next time I see a Marine I can ask him what butt surfing is and
ever done it with Popeye
Sounds like a great idea to me. There's a fair chance he may show you.
you enjoy the ride.
No chance of it ever happening IRL.
Just another spineless, anonymous coward taking cheap shots from the
Funny how they almost always single out Marines.
why not they are the weakist link
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-13 23:15:14 UTC
Oh, sorry.

-Childish- AA remarks.
Just another spineless, anonymous coward taking cheap shots from the
Funny how they almost always single out Marines.
It's pretty normal to take cheap shots at those that you are most afraid
A proper Marine ie British I would be scared of, The septic Marines are
just another army unit
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-13 23:16:11 UTC
BTW, I think the world generally tends to respect the US Marines
I doubt it. If they were like the British Marines( special and well
trained ) rather than just another arm of the military they would be
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

2008-02-13 23:33:26 UTC
BTW, I think the world generally tends to respect the US Marines
I doubt it. If they were like the British Marines( special and well
trained ) rather than just another arm of the military they would be
Another crossposted *blinding* illumination of upchucks bigotry, hurled like
a girl, from his fortified position of ignorance and embraced stupidity.

I gotta ax ya;

Does it get any better?
You're all wanking sissies if you even think
about using a grain mill, teeth, or ball-peen
hammer. A real brewer uses 17 vestal virgins
stomping on the grain in a large wooden vat.
And yeast is for losers. True brewers just dip
one end of their dog into the wort to get
things going. -- Drew Avis
Greg Mossman
2008-02-13 23:48:33 UTC
Post by Scott
I gotta ax ya;
Why ax him if you have a gun?

Or at least use a cleaver:

"NEW YORK - A man hacked a psychologist to death with a meat cleaver
at her Upper East Side office and seriously injured another therapist
who tried to help her, police said. The search was on Wednesday for
the man as police tried to determine whether he was a patient of
Kathryn Faughey."

2008-02-14 20:40:34 UTC
In article <ac707f04-c229-431c-80fc-
***@j20g2000hsi.googlegroups.com>, ***@qnet.com says...
-On Feb 13, 3:33 pm, "Scott" <***@gmail.com> wrote:
-> I gotta ax ya;
-Why ax him if you have a gun?
-Or at least use a cleaver:
-"NEW YORK - A man hacked a psychologist to death with a meat cleaver
-at her Upper East Side office and seriously injured another therapist
-who tried to help her, police said. The search was on Wednesday for
-the man as police tried to determine whether he was a patient of
-Kathryn Faughey."

and hillary immediately announced plans
to register and license meat cleavers.

mossman pointed out that only butchers and police
should have cleavers, they are the professionals.

Bob Crownfield
Greg Mossman
2008-02-14 20:52:44 UTC
Post by crownfield
In article <ac707f04-c229-431c-80fc-
-> I gotta ax ya;
-Why ax him if you have a gun?
-"NEW YORK - A man hacked a psychologist to death with a meat cleaver
-at her Upper East Side office and seriously injured another therapist
-who tried to help her, police said. The search was on Wednesday for
-the man as police tried to determine whether he was a patient of
-Kathryn Faughey."
and hillary immediately announced plans
to register and license meat cleavers.
mossman pointed out that only butchers and police
should have cleavers, they are the professionals.
Don't forget hitmen. Sometimes a hitman needs a cleaver to clean up
his mess.
2008-02-14 23:47:34 UTC
On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 15:48:33 -0800 (PST), Greg Mossman
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
I gotta ax ya;
Why ax him if you have a gun?
"NEW YORK - A man hacked a psychologist to death with a meat cleaver
at her Upper East Side office and seriously injured another therapist
who tried to help her, police said. The search was on Wednesday for
the man as police tried to determine whether he was a patient of
Kathryn Faughey."
Pennsylvania, A women called 911 to report a fire in her bed room, the
911 operator put her on hold. She died seems she was crippled.
Chris Guynn
2008-02-15 16:13:36 UTC
Post by Scott
I gotta ax ya;
Why ax him if you have a gun?

Or at least use a cleaver:

"NEW YORK - A man hacked a psychologist to death with a meat cleaver
at her Upper East Side office and seriously injured another therapist
who tried to help her, police said. The search was on Wednesday for
the man as police tried to determine whether he was a patient of
Kathryn Faughey."


Well, at least the guy didn't have a gun so that he could do some real
Greg Mossman
2008-02-15 22:30:05 UTC
Post by Greg Mossman
Post by Scott
I gotta ax ya;
Why ax him if you have a gun?
"NEW YORK - A man hacked a psychologist to death with a meat cleaver
at her Upper East Side office and seriously injured another therapist
who tried to help her, police said. The search was on Wednesday for
the man as police tried to determine whether he was a patient of
Kathryn Faughey."
Well, at least the guy didn't have a gun so that he could do some real
Exactly. With a gun he would have killed many more. Here he was
only able to kill one and wound another. When's the last time you
heard of a shooting spree leaving so few causualties?

"And yet on Thursday, the 27-year-old Kazmierczak, armed with three
handguns and a brand-new pump-action shotgun he had carried onto
campus in a guitar case, stepped from behind a screen on the stage of
a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University and opened fire on a
geology class. He killed five students before committing suicide."


2008-02-14 01:21:11 UTC
Post by Scott
BTW, I think the world generally tends to respect the US Marines
I doubt it. If they were like the British Marines( special and well
trained ) rather than just another arm of the military they would be
Another crossposted *blinding* illumination of upchucks bigotry, hurled like
a girl, from his fortified position of ignorance and embraced stupidity.
I gotta ax ya;
Does it get any better?
2008-02-14 01:23:24 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Were these the whining, Anti-American remarks that you missed?
y r u a top poster
Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-14 01:52:50 UTC
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Were these the whining, Anti-American remarks that you missed?
y r u a top poster
Y kant you spell?
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

2008-02-14 04:03:58 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Were these the whining, Anti-American remarks that you missed?
y r u a top poster
Y kant you spell?
and u r a septic so what.
Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-14 01:59:19 UTC
If there was a message for me in the original thread I did not see it as I
have removed r.scuba. I saw this as a cross post that didn't really need
to be cross posted. Please feel free to email me direct if you wanted
something. If you were just abusing me I am happy to ignore it:-)
What an excellent way not to be proven wrong on your own word, deleting
the post before you read it (as if).
Enjoy rec.scuba (The Bikers Bar)
As always.
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-14 02:00:43 UTC
You're as chickenshit as Chilly.
chilly's not always right, but she's not chickenshit.
I admire your gallantry.
Myself, Dennis and Scott had the same opinion before she shanked us,
repeatedly, in the pettiest of ways, for cheap points.
that is not surprising
Who the fuck asked you?
who cares, What do you think you're a moderator on this group.
Run along, boy.
We're just a bunch of septics you dislike.
Piss off back to ASS.
there you go about bottoms again
Well, I was referring to Australian.Sport.Scuba, of course.
But we see where your mind is.
As usual.
Don't look now, but you told yourself out on that one.
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-14 13:31:20 UTC
who cares, What do you think you're a moderator on this group.
Run along, boy.
We're just a bunch of septics you dislike.
only u and your bumpal, actually I don't dislike u
More mansex fantasy from Dechucka.
Piss off back to ASS.
there you go about bottoms again
Well, I was referring to Australian.Sport.Scuba, of course.
But we see where your mind is.
As usual.
Don't look now, but you told yourself out on that one.
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

2008-02-14 21:05:39 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
who cares, What do you think you're a moderator on this group.
Run along, boy.
We're just a bunch of septics you dislike.
only u and your bumpal, actually I don't dislike u
More mansex fantasy from Dechucka.
what is it with you and male to male sex. I have suspicions why you joined
the Marines
Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-14 22:20:09 UTC
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
who cares, What do you think you're a moderator on this group.
Run along, boy.
We're just a bunch of septics you dislike.
only u and your bumpal, actually I don't dislike u
More mansex fantasy from Dechucka.
what is it with you and male to male sex. I have suspicions why you joined
the Marines
From your posting history, it's clear that you get
"suspicions" -whenever- you see two men together.
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

2008-02-14 22:25:50 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
who cares, What do you think you're a moderator on this group.
Run along, boy.
We're just a bunch of septics you dislike.
only u and your bumpal, actually I don't dislike u
More mansex fantasy from Dechucka.
what is it with you and male to male sex. I have suspicions why you
joined the Marines
From your posting history, it's clear that you get
"suspicions" -whenever- you see two men together.
no only the like of you who spend most of there time "backdooring"
Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-14 22:38:28 UTC
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
who cares, What do you think you're a moderator on this group.
Run along, boy.
We're just a bunch of septics you dislike.
only u and your bumpal, actually I don't dislike u
More mansex fantasy from Dechucka.
what is it with you and male to male sex. I have suspicions why you
joined the Marines
From your posting history, it's clear that you get
"suspicions" -whenever- you see two men together.
no only the like of you who spend most of there time "backdooring"

Your fixation is astounding.
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

2008-02-14 23:13:32 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
no only the like of you who spend most of there time "backdooring"
Your fixation is astounding.
what is it with you? r u a pooter?
2008-02-15 03:55:27 UTC
In article <47b4ad27$0$20179$***@per-qv1-newsreader-
01.iinet.net.au>, ***@vomithotmail.com says...
-"Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick" <***@finalprotectivefire.com> wrote in
-message news:***@news.supernews.com...
-> "dechucka" <***@vomithotmail.com> wrote in message
-> news:47b3bd5e$0$20214$***@per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au...
->> "Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick" <***@finalprotectivefire.com> wrote in
->>>> who cares, What do you think you're a moderator on this group.
->>> Run along, boy.
->>> We're just a bunch of septics you dislike.
->> only u and your bumpal, actually I don't dislike u
-> More mansex fantasy from Dechucka.
-what is it with you and male to male sex.
-I have suspicions why you joined the Marines

bullshit. you are just obsessed.

Bob Crownfield
2008-02-14 23:55:17 UTC
On Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:31:20 -0500, "Douglas W. \"Popeye\" Frederick"
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
who cares, What do you think you're a moderator on this group.
Run along, boy.
We're just a bunch of septics you dislike.
only u and your bumpal, actually I don't dislike u
More mansex fantasy from Dechucka.
Piss off back to ASS.
there you go about bottoms again
Well, I was referring to Australian.Sport.Scuba, of course.
But we see where your mind is.
As usual.
Don't look now, but you told yourself out on that one.
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF
Ok, I know I'm going to regret this, but what is a "septic" ?
2008-02-15 00:03:57 UTC
Post by Rod
Ok, I know I'm going to regret this, but what is a "septic"
rhyming slang. American = yank = septic tank = septic

no it is not very nice of me to call our American betheran "septics" but
that is what we call them. in Aus. It irratates poopooeyes so it can't be
2008-02-15 00:30:42 UTC
Post by Rod
Ok, I know I'm going to regret this, but what is a "septic" ?
It's a term of endearmment that certain Aussies have for Americans... Kind
of like when we call them 'roo-fuckers, sheep-shankers, or sheep-shaggers...
See NNTP header field "X-Real-Email-Address" to reply by email.
2008-02-15 00:34:04 UTC
Post by Grumman-581
Post by Rod
Ok, I know I'm going to regret this, but what is a "septic" ?
It's a term of endearmment that certain Aussies have for Americans... Kind
of like when we call them 'roo-fuckers, sheep-shankers, or
the sheep fuckers are New Zealnders

if you want a roo root catch it first
2008-02-15 00:43:12 UTC
Post by dechucka
the sheep fuckers are New Zealnders
The Aussies have 5 sheep to every person... The Kiwis have 9 sheep per
person... It's not a question of 'if', but of 'degree'...
Post by dechucka
if you want a roo root catch it first
So, the Aussies do pretty good in the track and field Olympics...

See NNTP header field "X-Real-Email-Address" to reply by email.
2008-02-15 00:54:48 UTC
Post by Grumman-581
Post by dechucka
the sheep fuckers are New Zealnders
The Aussies have 5 sheep to every person... The Kiwis have 9 sheep per
person... It's not a question of 'if', but of 'degree'...
what degree do you like your sheep at?
Post by Grumman-581
Post by dechucka
if you want a roo root catch it first
So, the Aussies do pretty good in the track and field Olympics...
but we have won a medal at the winter Olympics. Absolute classic everybody
fell over and whathisname won
Chris Guynn
2008-02-15 16:46:55 UTC
Post by dechucka
Post by Grumman-581
Post by dechucka
the sheep fuckers are New Zealnders
The Aussies have 5 sheep to every person... The Kiwis have 9 sheep per
person... It's not a question of 'if', but of 'degree'...
what degree do you like your sheep at?

that's about medium rare, right?
2008-02-15 20:26:15 UTC
Post by dechucka
Post by Grumman-581
Post by Rod
Ok, I know I'm going to regret this, but what is a "septic" ?
It's a term of endearmment that certain Aussies have for Americans... Kind
of like when we call them 'roo-fuckers, sheep-shankers, or
the sheep fuckers are New Zealnders
if you want a roo root catch it first
You are misspelling " try to avoid it!"

2008-02-15 20:24:20 UTC
Post by Rod
On Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:31:20 -0500, "Douglas W. \"Popeye\" Frederick"
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
who cares, What do you think you're a moderator on this group.
Run along, boy.
We're just a bunch of septics you dislike.
only u and your bumpal, actually I don't dislike u
More mansex fantasy from Dechucka.
Piss off back to ASS.
there you go about bottoms again
Well, I was referring to Australian.Sport.Scuba, of course.
But we see where your mind is.
As usual.
Don't look now, but you told yourself out on that one.
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF
Ok, I know I'm going to regret this, but what is a "septic" ?
A dry suit diver who did not remember being one.
