Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-13 05:02:22 UTC
Like to ask some question.
Why is it Anti-American to complain about people using Rec.Scuba for their
political bandwagon?
It's not.Why is it Anti-American to complain about people using Rec.Scuba for their
political bandwagon?
What's Anti-American is whining motherfuckers coming in here from
inconsequential third world shitholes like yours, and making scores, if not
hundreds, of comments about Americans, American politics, and the American
way of life.
Dechucka has been doing it for years.
It's probably from bitterness about his grandmum getting knocked up by a
Marine back when we saved your country in WW2.
Australian women were known world wide back then for being pretty easy
(compared to prudish American chicks)(and I doubt it's changed, not since I
was in Perth).
*I* have never noticed a directly Anti-American remark
In your opinion.but have seen many Anti-Canadian comments.
I have noticed personal abuse and they may have been directed at US
Citizens but in the most we don't know where you are from and I don't
think in most case anyone here represents a whole country.
Why is ok to be Anti-Canadian but not anti-American?
That situation doesn't exist here.I have noticed personal abuse and they may have been directed at US
Citizens but in the most we don't know where you are from and I don't
think in most case anyone here represents a whole country.
Why is ok to be Anti-Canadian but not anti-American?
It's only your ignorance of the matter at hand.
We Americans get lots of international leg humping here, jealousy and
angst mostly, from others that choose to be here just to make their foreign
views known.
It's because no other country wields the power and responsibility that we
do, and criticism comes easy from the cheap seats.
I note that you have twice participated in gun control arguments and been
run off with your tail between your legs,
BUT, after having foisted your ignorant opinion on the group first.
That's pretty chickenshit.
And pretty hypocritical.
What has presidential candidates, guns, killing power of this or that
bullet got to do with Scuba.
Why do people have to personally abuse each other no matter how stupid
they may seem.
Once I was told people wanted to treat this as a biker bar and chat about
crap. It is not a bikers bar they have beer, bars, pool tables and people
standing in them. This is a place to gain information about scuba although
I think most people may be giving up on that.
Basing that on your extensive posting history here?bullet got to do with Scuba.
Why do people have to personally abuse each other no matter how stupid
they may seem.
Once I was told people wanted to treat this as a biker bar and chat about
crap. It is not a bikers bar they have beer, bars, pool tables and people
standing in them. This is a place to gain information about scuba although
I think most people may be giving up on that.
Rec.scuba is one of the oldest scuba forums in existence.
More -unedited- and/or -unmoderated- scuba information has been presented
here than anywhere else.
I myself have been here in excess of 10 years, some since the early 90's-
are you honestly arrogant enough to think we should all change "what is"
just to suit your personal whims?
At the snap of your fingers?
That we digress into OT posting is the difference between this forum, and
your -dead- ASS forum, which, in it's past, has been as volatile as this
It's because we've discussed just about every -interesting- scuba topic
there is to death, and, several times.
Yet, within the guidelines of our SOP, we still field frequent questions
from all levels of divers.
See how kind I'm being to take time out from abusing Dechuka to
answer -your- (OT) inquiry.
I like it just fine here, just the way it is.
I've met over 100 of my fellow Rec.scubans at this point, from 4
countries, been diving with them in scores of places, slept at their homes.
Accumulated more than 1000 dives in 10 years, with the help and knowledge
of these people right here.
Just who the fuck are you?
Biker bars junkies try to,, or
something similar.
Good luck with your ASS.something similar.
Speaking of which, don't let the internet slam you in it on your way out.
Lee E. J. Arnould
Web Slave
Oh, and, sorry for the "accidental" crosspost.____________________________
Lee E. J. Arnould
Web Slave
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF