Recreation Scuba Issues
(too old to reply)
Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-13 05:02:22 UTC
Like to ask some question.
Why is it Anti-American to complain about people using Rec.Scuba for their
political bandwagon?
It's not.

What's Anti-American is whining motherfuckers coming in here from
inconsequential third world shitholes like yours, and making scores, if not
hundreds, of comments about Americans, American politics, and the American
way of life.

Dechucka has been doing it for years.

It's probably from bitterness about his grandmum getting knocked up by a
Marine back when we saved your country in WW2.

Australian women were known world wide back then for being pretty easy
(compared to prudish American chicks)(and I doubt it's changed, not since I
was in Perth).
*I* have never noticed a directly Anti-American remark
In your opinion.
but have seen many Anti-Canadian comments.
I have noticed personal abuse and they may have been directed at US
Citizens but in the most we don't know where you are from and I don't
think in most case anyone here represents a whole country.
Why is ok to be Anti-Canadian but not anti-American?
That situation doesn't exist here.

It's only your ignorance of the matter at hand.

We Americans get lots of international leg humping here, jealousy and
angst mostly, from others that choose to be here just to make their foreign
views known.

It's because no other country wields the power and responsibility that we
do, and criticism comes easy from the cheap seats.

I note that you have twice participated in gun control arguments and been
run off with your tail between your legs,

BUT, after having foisted your ignorant opinion on the group first.

That's pretty chickenshit.

And pretty hypocritical.
What has presidential candidates, guns, killing power of this or that
bullet got to do with Scuba.
Why do people have to personally abuse each other no matter how stupid
they may seem.
Once I was told people wanted to treat this as a biker bar and chat about
crap. It is not a bikers bar they have beer, bars, pool tables and people
standing in them. This is a place to gain information about scuba although
I think most people may be giving up on that.
Basing that on your extensive posting history here?

Rec.scuba is one of the oldest scuba forums in existence.

More -unedited- and/or -unmoderated- scuba information has been presented
here than anywhere else.

I myself have been here in excess of 10 years, some since the early 90's-
are you honestly arrogant enough to think we should all change "what is"
just to suit your personal whims?

At the snap of your fingers?

That we digress into OT posting is the difference between this forum, and
your -dead- ASS forum, which, in it's past, has been as volatile as this

It's because we've discussed just about every -interesting- scuba topic
there is to death, and, several times.

Yet, within the guidelines of our SOP, we still field frequent questions
from all levels of divers.

See how kind I'm being to take time out from abusing Dechuka to
answer -your- (OT) inquiry.

I like it just fine here, just the way it is.

I've met over 100 of my fellow Rec.scubans at this point, from 4
countries, been diving with them in scores of places, slept at their homes.

Accumulated more than 1000 dives in 10 years, with the help and knowledge
of these people right here.

Just who the fuck are you?
Biker bars junkies try to rec.bike, rec.pub, rec.talk.politics or
something similar.
Good luck with your ASS.

Speaking of which, don't let the internet slam you in it on your way out.
Lee E. J. Arnould
Web Slave
Oh, and, sorry for the "accidental" crosspost.

Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-13 05:07:13 UTC
Why is ok to be Anti-Canadian but not anti-American?
People hate Americans because they are jealous of us... That's not really
possible with regards to Canadians, so our anti-Canadian leanings are just
us having fun razzing the caribou-fuckers...
What has presidential candidates, guns, killing power of this or that
bullet got to do with Scuba.
Ever hear of bang sticks?
Ever consider that the far left moonbats
Don't forget- the Moon is an American territory-

Finders, keepers.
are more likely to try to
restrict our liberties and that includes when and where we might go
It's rec.scuba and since the internet was created here, that means that it
is American... We allow ya'll to have your little locale-specific
newsgroups (e.g. aus.sport.scuba, uk.rec.scuba, japan.sports.scuba-diving,
tamu.scuba, etc), but first and foremost, rec.scuba is American... As
such, we talk about what we want... If you don't like it, feel free to
create your own newsgroup and talk to yourself..
He's already done that-

They were dissing him about it on UKRS the other day.
Why do people have to personally abuse each other no matter how stupid
they may seem.
Why do Kiwis like to fuck sheep? Some things aren't meant to be
Once I was told people wanted to treat this as a biker bar and chat
about crap. It is not a bikers bar they have beer, bars, pool tables and
people standing in them. This is a place to gain information about scuba
although I think most people may be giving up on that.
I'm drinking a beer right now... Some people probably have pool tables at
their homes... We've already discussed every subject to death, but if you
think that you can come up with something that we haven't discussed, feel
free to start a new thread...
Biker bars junkies try to rec.bike, rec.pub, rec.talk.politics or
something similar.
And why don't you just go off to aus.sook?
See NNTP header field "X-Real-Email-Address" to reply by email.
Sorry for the accidental crossposting.

I didn't see the header.
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-13 05:43:26 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
It's because no other country wields the power and responsibility that
we do, and criticism comes easy from the cheap seats.
might also have something to do with your attitude like the way you have
insulted my country
Just giving my opinion, no matter how factual it may be.
What does this have to do with scuba, BTW?
and its people in you response is just one simple example. I have never
said anything negative about your.
Also Rec.Scuba is not just America it is world-wide.
I never said it wasn't.
That doesn't mean that any idiot with an opinion about me or my country
will go unopposed.
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
I note that you have twice participated in gun control arguments and
been run off with your tail between your legs,
No I found your arguments back lacking in any strength and not worth
commenting on
Yet you were back a week later asking the same questions, making the same
whining comments.
similar to this crap you have presented here.
Yet you choose to respond?
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
BUT, after having foisted your ignorant opinion on the group first.
once again you get personal.
It's a statement of fact.
That you take "ignorant" as an insult is your own choice.
The original post was not cross posted. I believe you did that just to
piss people off. It worked. At least we have the balls to apologise if we
have crossed posted in error as I did earlier. A real apology not just
some point scoring set of words.
Riiiiiight (after Dechucka did it, that is).
Did you have some scuba content, or are you just foisting your ignorant
opinion on us again?
Have a nice day.
Thanks, Bro!
I -always- do.
Lee E. J. Arnould
Web Slave
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF


Sorry about the cross post...
Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-13 06:08:48 UTC
Riiiiiight (after Dechucka did it, that is).
No I replied in a.r.scuba where his apology did not appear at first wasn't
until I checked r.scuba did I see it had appeared there.
Is this another on topic post from you?
oh by the way in my opinion you are an ignorant racist red neck fool... oh
that is not insult just an opinion.
Well, I'm ignorant of many things, and maybe I'll give you the "fool" as
well, but where did the "racist" and "red neck" come from?

That sounds rather "bigoted".

More hypocrisy from you?

Perish the thought.
Have a nice life
I do, thanks!

If I was any happier, I'd have to be two people!
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF



Sorry about the...

Never mind.
2008-02-14 14:49:07 UTC
In article <***@news.supernews.com>,
***@finalprotectivefire.com says...
-"ScubaZine" <***@ScubaZine.com> wrote in message
-> Have a nice life
- I do, thanks!
- If I was any happier, I'd have to be two people!

and thus you win "The Laugh of the Day Award" !!

-> Lee
Bob Crownfield
Lee Bell
2008-02-13 11:46:57 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
I've met over 100 of my fellow Rec.scubans at this point, from 4
countries, been diving with them in scores of places, slept at their homes.
Hmmm, I've met some from Scotland (no diving), some from Canada (a few dives
and a couple from there that I still like), some from England (lots of
dives), some from Germany (lots of dives), some from Australia (lots of
dives) and some from Singapore (lots of dives) right off the top of my head.
I've purchased diving equipment here, that I went over there, twice.

I think I have you beat on diversity, but you have me, hands down, on
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Accumulated more than 1000 dives in 10 years, with the help and knowledge
of these people right here.
I quit counting a long time ago, then started again, then quit again. The
notebooks full of dive logs was beginning to take up too much space on the
shelves in my reloading room.

Hoges in WA
2008-02-13 13:10:58 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Like to ask some question.
Why is it Anti-American to complain about people using Rec.Scuba for
their political bandwagon?
It's not.
What's Anti-American is whining motherfuckers coming in here from
inconsequential third world shitholes like yours, and making scores, if
not hundreds, of comments about Americans, American politics, and the
American way of life.
Hey Popeye

Inconsequential it certainly is. A shithole it is not.
The only ones who think it matters are the lefties in this country - they
fondly imagine that our opinion carries weight around the world. I recently
came back from Nevada/Nthn Az/SoCal and in nearly a month of reading the LA
Times, the only mention of Oz was re the Australian Open tennis.

I agree with you on the cheap seats stuff, the envy stuff, the fact that the
US occupies a particular position etc but Oz is hardly up there with Indo,
Malaya etc etc in the shithole stakes. You might want to rethink that bit.

Re the gun shit, more of us have guns than you might assume. I don't like
rifles myself, I have handguns despite the lefties' best efforts to take
them off me. Had a blast of a time in the Las Vegas Gun Store recently with
an M-16 and a hundred rounds.

Don't go assuming that your experience with some is the attitude of the
many - there is more support for America here than you would imagine from
the popular scum press. (tautological, I know, but scum and press just seem
to roll off the tongue here)

Chill a bit. Come back soon
(I live south of Perth, btw)
Lee Bell
2008-02-13 15:35:49 UTC
Post by Hoges in WA
Re the gun shit, more of us have guns than you might assume. I don't like
rifles myself, I have handguns despite the lefties' best efforts to take
them off me. Had a blast of a time in the Las Vegas Gun Store recently
with an M-16 and a hundred rounds.
Next time you're in the States, give us some warning and we'll arrange for
you to waste a lot more ammunition than that. I probably shoot more than 100
rounds out of each of my AR-15s one or two times a month.

Hoges in WA
2008-02-13 23:07:38 UTC
Post by Lee Bell
Post by Hoges in WA
Re the gun shit, more of us have guns than you might assume. I don't
like rifles myself, I have handguns despite the lefties' best efforts to
take them off me. Had a blast of a time in the Las Vegas Gun Store
with an M-16 and a hundred rounds.
Next time you're in the States, give us some warning and we'll arrange for
you to waste a lot more ammunition than that. I probably shoot more than
100 rounds out of each of my AR-15s one or two times a month.
Back in about 3 years.
Planning on buying a boat in the 40+ft mark in Fl and then on up the East
Coast at our leisure for the big retirement trip.
2008-02-13 23:26:42 UTC
Post by Hoges in WA
Back in about 3 years.
Planning on buying a boat in the 40+ft mark in Fl and then on up the East
Coast at our leisure for the big retirement trip.
Motor or sail?
Hoges in WA
2008-02-14 03:28:03 UTC
Post by Scott
Post by Hoges in WA
Back in about 3 years.
Planning on buying a boat in the 40+ft mark in Fl and then on up the East
Coast at our leisure for the big retirement trip.
Motor or sail?
Sail. Something like (but not necessarily) a Tayana 43 or a Gozzard if I
suddenly inherit a fortune.
Lots in Florida that people aren't using any longer.
2008-02-13 22:16:00 UTC
Post by Hoges in WA
Hey Popeye
Inconsequential it certainly is. A shithole it is not.
The only ones who think it matters are the lefties in this country - they
fondly imagine that our opinion carries weight around the world. I recently
came back from Nevada/Nthn Az/SoCal and in nearly a month of reading the LA
Times, the only mention of Oz was re the Australian Open tennis.
I agree with you on the cheap seats stuff, the envy stuff, the fact that the
US occupies a particular position etc but Oz is hardly up there with Indo,
Malaya etc etc in the shithole stakes. You might want to rethink that bit.
Re the gun shit, more of us have guns than you might assume. I don't like
rifles myself, I have handguns despite the lefties' best efforts to take
them off me. Had a blast of a time in the Las Vegas Gun Store recently with
an M-16 and a hundred rounds.
Don't go assuming that your experience with some is the attitude of the
many - there is more support for America here than you would imagine from
the popular scum press. (tautological, I know, but scum and press just seem
to roll off the tongue here)
Chill a bit. Come back soon
(I live south of Perth, btw)
He's just lettin' then have it with both barrels.

Popeye would give you the shirt off his back, what he wont do is sit idly by
while septic cuntbubbles Like Francis, Mossman and upchuck try to shove
their ideology and way of thinking up everyone's ass.

Popeye paid for his freedom, in full, lickspittle schoolgirls like Francis,
Mossman and upchuck didn't pay for anything.
Greg Mossman
2008-02-13 23:25:37 UTC
Post by Hoges in WA
Post by Hoges in WA
Hey Popeye
Inconsequential it certainly is.  A shithole it is not.
The only ones who think it matters are the lefties in this country - they
fondly imagine that our opinion carries weight around the world.  I
Post by Hoges in WA
came back from Nevada/Nthn Az/SoCal and in nearly a month of reading the
Post by Hoges in WA
Times, the only mention of Oz was re the Australian Open tennis.
I agree with you on the cheap seats stuff, the envy stuff, the fact that
Post by Hoges in WA
US occupies a particular position etc but Oz is hardly up there with Indo,
Malaya etc etc in the shithole stakes.  You might want to rethink that
Post by Hoges in WA
Re the gun shit, more of us have guns than you might assume.  I don't like
rifles myself, I have handguns despite the lefties' best efforts to take
them off me.  Had a blast of a time in the Las Vegas Gun Store recently
Post by Hoges in WA
an M-16 and a hundred rounds.
Don't go assuming that your experience with some is the attitude of the
many - there is more support for America here than you would imagine from
the popular scum press. (tautological, I know, but scum and press just
Post by Hoges in WA
to roll off the tongue here)
Chill a bit.  Come back soon
(I live south of Perth, btw)
He's just lettin' then have it with both barrels.
Popeye would give you the shirt off his back, what he wont do is sit idly by
while septic cuntbubbles Like Francis, Mossman and upchuck try to shove
their ideology and way of thinking up everyone's ass.
I seem to remember giving Popeye the shirt off my back once, and I
never, ever tried to shove anything up his ass. My last house did
have a septic tank, but now I'm 100% sewer.
Post by Hoges in WA
Popeye paid for his freedom, in full, lickspittle schoolgirls like Francis,
Mossman and upchuck didn't pay for anything.
I've probably paid more taxes in my lifetime than you'll ever earn.
My money bought and paid for several Marines. I've even offered to
pay you the high wages to clean my toilet that I currently pay my
Spanish-speaking cleaning lady if you'll dress up in a French-maid's
outfit for me.

Now if you're making the claim that those of us who went to college or
work instead of signing up for the military "didn't pay for anything",
then you have a long list of your fellow me-tooers to include in your
slander: Joe, Chris, Curtis, Lee, Dennis, none of them "paid for
anything" either. What scumballs.
Fraser Johnston
2008-04-04 09:31:09 UTC
Post by Hoges in WA
Re the gun shit, more of us have guns than you might assume. I don't like
rifles myself, I have handguns despite the lefties' best efforts to take them
off me. Had a blast of a time in the Las Vegas Gun Store recently with an
M-16 and a hundred rounds.
I was there in Jan. Had a great time with an Uzi and an MP5. Even the
girlfriend loved. What sort of shooting do you do? I'm in WA too and shoot
IPSC at pine valley. Guess shooting and diving go hand in hand. : )

Hoges in WA
2008-04-04 10:14:39 UTC
Post by Fraser Johnston
Post by Hoges in WA
Re the gun shit, more of us have guns than you might assume. I don't
like rifles myself, I have handguns despite the lefties' best efforts to
take them off me. Had a blast of a time in the Las Vegas Gun Store
recently with an M-16 and a hundred rounds.
I was there in Jan. Had a great time with an Uzi and an MP5. Even the
girlfriend loved. What sort of shooting do you do? I'm in WA too and
shoot IPSC at pine valley. Guess shooting and diving go hand in hand. : )
Centrefire and Standard under WAPA. I'm in Bunbury.
Hoges in WA

2008-02-14 21:07:00 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Like to ask some question.
Why is it Anti-American to complain about people using Rec.Scuba for
their political bandwagon?
It's not.
What's Anti-American is whining motherfuckers coming in here from
inconsequential third world shitholes like yours, and making scores, if
not hundreds, of comments about Americans, American politics, and the
American way of life.
Dechucka has been doing it for years.
It's probably from bitterness about his grandmum getting knocked up by a
Marine back when we saved your country in WW2.
Australian women were known world wide back then for being pretty easy
(compared to prudish American chicks)(and I doubt it's changed, not since
I was in Perth).
*I* have never noticed a directly Anti-American remark
In your opinion.
but have seen many Anti-Canadian comments.
I have noticed personal abuse and they may have been directed at US
Citizens but in the most we don't know where you are from and I don't
think in most case anyone here represents a whole country.
Why is ok to be Anti-Canadian but not anti-American?
That situation doesn't exist here.
It's only your ignorance of the matter at hand.
We Americans get lots of international leg humping here, jealousy and
angst mostly, from others that choose to be here just to make their
foreign views known.
It's because no other country wields the power and responsibility that we
do, and criticism comes easy from the cheap seats.
I note that you have twice participated in gun control arguments and been
run off with your tail between your legs,
BUT, after having foisted your ignorant opinion on the group first.
That's pretty chickenshit.
And pretty hypocritical.
What has presidential candidates, guns, killing power of this or that
bullet got to do with Scuba.
Why do people have to personally abuse each other no matter how stupid
they may seem.
Once I was told people wanted to treat this as a biker bar and chat about
crap. It is not a bikers bar they have beer, bars, pool tables and people
standing in them. This is a place to gain information about scuba
although I think most people may be giving up on that.
Basing that on your extensive posting history here?
Rec.scuba is one of the oldest scuba forums in existence.
More -unedited- and/or -unmoderated- scuba information has been presented
here than anywhere else.
I myself have been here in excess of 10 years, some since the early 90's-
are you honestly arrogant enough to think we should all change "what is"
just to suit your personal whims?
At the snap of your fingers?
That we digress into OT posting is the difference between this forum, and
your -dead- ASS forum, which, in it's past, has been as volatile as this
It's because we've discussed just about every -interesting- scuba topic
there is to death, and, several times.
Yet, within the guidelines of our SOP, we still field frequent questions
from all levels of divers.
See how kind I'm being to take time out from abusing Dechuka to
answer -your- (OT) inquiry.
I like it just fine here, just the way it is.
I've met over 100 of my fellow Rec.scubans at this point, from 4
countries, been diving with them in scores of places, slept at their homes.
Accumulated more than 1000 dives in 10 years, with the help and knowledge
of these people right here.
Just who the fuck are you?
Biker bars junkies try to rec.bike, rec.pub, rec.talk.politics or
something similar.
Good luck with your ASS.
Speaking of which, don't let the internet slam you in it on your way out.
sorry did I upset you
Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-14 22:19:06 UTC
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Like to ask some question.
Why is it Anti-American to complain about people using Rec.Scuba for
their political bandwagon?
It's not.
What's Anti-American is whining motherfuckers coming in here from
inconsequential third world shitholes like yours, and making scores, if
not hundreds, of comments about Americans, American politics, and the
American way of life.
Dechucka has been doing it for years.
It's probably from bitterness about his grandmum getting knocked up by a
Marine back when we saved your country in WW2.
Australian women were known world wide back then for being pretty easy
(compared to prudish American chicks)(and I doubt it's changed, not since
I was in Perth).
*I* have never noticed a directly Anti-American remark
In your opinion.
but have seen many Anti-Canadian comments.
I have noticed personal abuse and they may have been directed at US
Citizens but in the most we don't know where you are from and I don't
think in most case anyone here represents a whole country.
Why is ok to be Anti-Canadian but not anti-American?
That situation doesn't exist here.
It's only your ignorance of the matter at hand.
We Americans get lots of international leg humping here, jealousy and
angst mostly, from others that choose to be here just to make their
foreign views known.
It's because no other country wields the power and responsibility that
we do, and criticism comes easy from the cheap seats.
I note that you have twice participated in gun control arguments and
been run off with your tail between your legs,
BUT, after having foisted your ignorant opinion on the group first.
That's pretty chickenshit.
And pretty hypocritical.
What has presidential candidates, guns, killing power of this or that
bullet got to do with Scuba.
Why do people have to personally abuse each other no matter how stupid
they may seem.
Once I was told people wanted to treat this as a biker bar and chat
about crap. It is not a bikers bar they have beer, bars, pool tables and
people standing in them. This is a place to gain information about scuba
although I think most people may be giving up on that.
Basing that on your extensive posting history here?
Rec.scuba is one of the oldest scuba forums in existence.
More -unedited- and/or -unmoderated- scuba information has been
presented here than anywhere else.
I myself have been here in excess of 10 years, some since the early
90's- are you honestly arrogant enough to think we should all change
"what is" just to suit your personal whims?
At the snap of your fingers?
That we digress into OT posting is the difference between this forum,
and your -dead- ASS forum, which, in it's past, has been as volatile as
this place.
It's because we've discussed just about every -interesting- scuba topic
there is to death, and, several times.
Yet, within the guidelines of our SOP, we still field frequent questions
from all levels of divers.
See how kind I'm being to take time out from abusing Dechuka to
answer -your- (OT) inquiry.
I like it just fine here, just the way it is.
I've met over 100 of my fellow Rec.scubans at this point, from 4
countries, been diving with them in scores of places, slept at their homes.
Accumulated more than 1000 dives in 10 years, with the help and
knowledge of these people right here.
Just who the fuck are you?
Biker bars junkies try to rec.bike, rec.pub, rec.talk.politics or
something similar.
Good luck with your ASS.
Speaking of which, don't let the internet slam you in it on your way out.
sorry did I upset you
Uh, no.

I wasn't even talking to you.

What a dipshit.

We can tell, from your ten mansex posts so far today, they -you're- upset,
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

2008-02-14 22:23:41 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Like to ask some question.
Why is it Anti-American to complain about people using Rec.Scuba for
their political bandwagon?
It's not.
What's Anti-American is whining motherfuckers coming in here from
inconsequential third world shitholes like yours, and making scores, if
not hundreds, of comments about Americans, American politics, and the
American way of life.
Dechucka has been doing it for years.
It's probably from bitterness about his grandmum getting knocked up by
a Marine back when we saved your country in WW2.
Australian women were known world wide back then for being pretty easy
(compared to prudish American chicks)(and I doubt it's changed, not
since I was in Perth).
*I* have never noticed a directly Anti-American remark
In your opinion.
but have seen many Anti-Canadian comments.
I have noticed personal abuse and they may have been directed at US
Citizens but in the most we don't know where you are from and I don't
think in most case anyone here represents a whole country.
Why is ok to be Anti-Canadian but not anti-American?
That situation doesn't exist here.
It's only your ignorance of the matter at hand.
We Americans get lots of international leg humping here, jealousy and
angst mostly, from others that choose to be here just to make their
foreign views known.
It's because no other country wields the power and responsibility that
we do, and criticism comes easy from the cheap seats.
I note that you have twice participated in gun control arguments and
been run off with your tail between your legs,
BUT, after having foisted your ignorant opinion on the group first.
That's pretty chickenshit.
And pretty hypocritical.
What has presidential candidates, guns, killing power of this or that
bullet got to do with Scuba.
Why do people have to personally abuse each other no matter how stupid
they may seem.
Once I was told people wanted to treat this as a biker bar and chat
about crap. It is not a bikers bar they have beer, bars, pool tables
and people standing in them. This is a place to gain information about
scuba although I think most people may be giving up on that.
Basing that on your extensive posting history here?
Rec.scuba is one of the oldest scuba forums in existence.
More -unedited- and/or -unmoderated- scuba information has been
presented here than anywhere else.
I myself have been here in excess of 10 years, some since the early
90's- are you honestly arrogant enough to think we should all change
"what is" just to suit your personal whims?
At the snap of your fingers?
That we digress into OT posting is the difference between this forum,
and your -dead- ASS forum, which, in it's past, has been as volatile as
this place.
It's because we've discussed just about every -interesting- scuba topic
there is to death, and, several times.
Yet, within the guidelines of our SOP, we still field frequent
questions from all levels of divers.
See how kind I'm being to take time out from abusing Dechuka to
answer -your- (OT) inquiry.
I like it just fine here, just the way it is.
I've met over 100 of my fellow Rec.scubans at this point, from 4
countries, been diving with them in scores of places, slept at their homes.
Accumulated more than 1000 dives in 10 years, with the help and
knowledge of these people right here.
Just who the fuck are you?
Biker bars junkies try to rec.bike, rec.pub, rec.talk.politics or
something similar.
Good luck with your ASS.
Speaking of which, don't let the internet slam you in it on your way out.
sorry did I upset you
Uh, no.
I wasn't even talking to you.
What a dipshit.
sorry with all the references to dechucka I thought you were talking about
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
We can tell, from your ten mansex posts so far today, they -you're-
upset, though.
what is it with you and mansex? I know from your photos you have manboobs
but that doesn't explain your fascination with backdooring etc
Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-14 22:37:24 UTC
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Good luck with your ASS.
Speaking of which, don't let the internet slam you in it on your way out.
sorry did I upset you
Uh, no.
I wasn't even talking to you.
What a dipshit.
sorry with all the references to dechucka I thought you were talking about
With your narcissism?

No doubt.
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
We can tell, from your ten mansex posts so far today, they -you're-
upset, though.
what is it with you and mansex? I know from your photos you have manboobs
but that doesn't explain your fascination with backdooring etc
Like I said, at least I'm not too chickenshit to post my picture around
here, like some.

But it's TMI to know you focus on things like manboobs, or insisting (even
after having been told different) that "backdooring" -must- refer to mansex.
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

2008-02-14 23:07:41 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Good luck with your ASS.
Speaking of which, don't let the internet slam you in it on your way out.
sorry did I upset you
Uh, no.
I wasn't even talking to you.
What a dipshit.
sorry with all the references to dechucka I thought you were talking
about me
With your narcissism?
No doubt.
what's wrong with narcissism.? Before I dive I always look at my reflection
on the ocean and think " you're a fat ugly bastard"
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
We can tell, from your ten mansex posts so far today, they -you're-
upset, though.
what is it with you and mansex? I know from your photos you have manboobs
but that doesn't explain your fascination with backdooring etc
Like I said, at least I'm not too chickenshit to post my picture around
here, like some.
I did pos my photo and now why don't you post the photo of your truck
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
But it's TMI to know you focus on things like manboobs, or insisting
(even after having been told different) that "backdooring" -must- refer to
so you backdooring Scott is not a sexual thing? Sorry I am downunder and the
OS dialect is very different
Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-14 23:40:20 UTC
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
We can tell, from your ten mansex posts so far today, they -you're-
upset, though.
what is it with you and mansex? I know from your photos you have
manboobs but that doesn't explain your fascination with backdooring etc
Like I said, at least I'm not too chickenshit to post my picture around
here, like some.
I did pos my photo and now why don't you post the photo of your truck
It's a pos photo, all right.


Post a photo of -your- truck yet?
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
But it's TMI to know you focus on things like manboobs, or insisting
(even after having been told different) that "backdooring" -must- refer
to mansex.
so you backdooring Scott is not a sexual thing?
My, aren't you curious about that.
Post by dechucka
Sorry I am downunder and the OS dialect is very different
As far as we can tell, everything in your particular dialect seems to
refer to mansex.
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

2008-02-14 23:49:51 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
It's a pos photo, all right.
Post a photo of -your- truck yet?
He is too guilt ridden by his gender identity issues to realize that pics of
your truck are all over. If he asked nice I'd send him one.

The truck you drive, and pictures thereof, aren't the issue.

I always forget that in situations like this, when We become the object of
some lickspittle LA fag or limp-dick Canuck or a scared Aussies affections,
they get nasty when rejected.
2008-02-14 23:55:09 UTC
Post by Scott
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
It's a pos photo, all right.
Post a photo of -your- truck yet?
He is too guilt ridden by his gender identity issues to realize that pics of
your truck are all over. If he asked nice I'd send him one.
cool do so, put it on the pica whatever cite
Post by Scott
The truck you drive, and pictures thereof, aren't the issue.
yes they are
Post by Scott
I always forget that in situations like this, when We become the object of
some lickspittle LA fag or limp-dick Canuck or a scared Aussies affections,
they get nasty when rejected.
OH Scott I didn't realised you had rejected me. Keeping yourself for
poopooeyes is so beautiful
2008-02-14 23:46:52 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
We can tell, from your ten mansex posts so far today, they -you're-
upset, though.
what is it with you and mansex? I know from your photos you have
manboobs but that doesn't explain your fascination with backdooring etc
Like I said, at least I'm not too chickenshit to post my picture around
here, like some.
I did pos my photo and now why don't you post the photo of your truck
It's a pos photo, all right.
Post a photo of -your- truck yet?
I'll do it straight after you. No that is not a mansex thing
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
But it's TMI to know you focus on things like manboobs, or insisting
(even after having been told different) that "backdooring" -must- refer
to mansex.
so you backdooring Scott is not a sexual thing?
My, aren't you curious about that.
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Sorry I am downunder and the OS dialect is very different
As far as we can tell, everything in your particular dialect seems to
refer to mansex.
on about mansex again. Is it a Marine thing. BTW did you actually actively
serve? Have you got a ASM or the equivalent
2008-02-14 22:29:22 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Uh, no.
I wasn't even talking to you.
What a dipshit.
We can tell, from your ten mansex posts so far today, they -you're- upset,
Brokeback Walkabout ...
Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-14 22:40:26 UTC
<chainsaw more of Mossmans brand of insanity>
"None of us give a shit. Take your podium somewhere where people
care. This is a scuba forum."
"Former NASA engineer Jim Oberg, who is an author and journalist,
wrote about the gun on his Web site. He said the gun has no place in
an environment where people are under such high stress.
"There have been cases of severe psychological strain on people in
space, strain that they have taken out -- that their shipmates worried
about the ultimate actions," Oberg said.
"Experts said the idea of an astronaut losing control was unthinkable
until one year ago, when Lisa Nowak shattered the myth."
Ya mean someone might lose control and start shooting up the place?
My point exactly. Thanks for posting it.
Guilty before innocent!
Besides, it's the same droning noise you made about arming pilots.
With, of course, -zero- incidents so far.
We keep hearing about shootings in the US downunder. what is the level of
deaths from multiple shootings in the US say in the last week?
In -aircraft-???
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

2008-02-14 23:11:41 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
<chainsaw more of Mossmans brand of insanity>
"None of us give a shit. Take your podium somewhere where people
care. This is a scuba forum."
"Former NASA engineer Jim Oberg, who is an author and journalist,
wrote about the gun on his Web site. He said the gun has no place in
an environment where people are under such high stress.
"There have been cases of severe psychological strain on people in
space, strain that they have taken out -- that their shipmates worried
about the ultimate actions," Oberg said.
"Experts said the idea of an astronaut losing control was unthinkable
until one year ago, when Lisa Nowak shattered the myth."
Ya mean someone might lose control and start shooting up the place?
My point exactly. Thanks for posting it.
Guilty before innocent!
Besides, it's the same droning noise you made about arming pilots.
With, of course, -zero- incidents so far.
We keep hearing about shootings in the US downunder. what is the level of
deaths from multiple shootings in the US say in the last week?
In -aircraft-???
why restrict it to aircraft lets just go general multiple killings in the
US. I understand it has been a bad week even for the US, if only they were
Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-14 23:41:37 UTC
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
<chainsaw more of Mossmans brand of insanity>
"None of us give a shit. Take your podium somewhere where people
care. This is a scuba forum."
"Former NASA engineer Jim Oberg, who is an author and journalist,
wrote about the gun on his Web site. He said the gun has no place in
an environment where people are under such high stress.
"There have been cases of severe psychological strain on people in
space, strain that they have taken out -- that their shipmates worried
about the ultimate actions," Oberg said.
"Experts said the idea of an astronaut losing control was unthinkable
until one year ago, when Lisa Nowak shattered the myth."
Ya mean someone might lose control and start shooting up the place?
My point exactly. Thanks for posting it.
Guilty before innocent!
Besides, it's the same droning noise you made about arming pilots.
With, of course, -zero- incidents so far.
We keep hearing about shootings in the US downunder. what is the level
of deaths from multiple shootings in the US say in the last week?
In -aircraft-???
why restrict it to aircraft lets just go general multiple killings in the
US. I understand it has been a bad week even for the US, if only they were
I wouldn't have the slightest.

What makes you comment on the U.S. in particular?
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF

2008-02-14 23:49:35 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by crownfield
wrote in
<chainsaw more of Mossmans brand of insanity>
"None of us give a shit. Take your podium somewhere where people
care. This is a scuba forum."
"Former NASA engineer Jim Oberg, who is an author and journalist,
wrote about the gun on his Web site. He said the gun has no place in
an environment where people are under such high stress.
"There have been cases of severe psychological strain on people in
space, strain that they have taken out -- that their shipmates worried
about the ultimate actions," Oberg said.
"Experts said the idea of an astronaut losing control was unthinkable
until one year ago, when Lisa Nowak shattered the myth."
Ya mean someone might lose control and start shooting up the place?
My point exactly. Thanks for posting it.
Guilty before innocent!
Besides, it's the same droning noise you made about arming pilots.
With, of course, -zero- incidents so far.
We keep hearing about shootings in the US downunder. what is the level
of deaths from multiple shootings in the US say in the last week?
In -aircraft-???
why restrict it to aircraft lets just go general multiple killings in the
US. I understand it has been a bad week even for the US, if only they
were carrying.
I wouldn't have the slightest.
What makes you comment on the U.S. in particular?
Sorry we have reported incidents of multiple gun killing in the US over
here. I haven't heard of them from other countries
2008-02-15 20:34:22 UTC
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by dechucka
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by crownfield
wrote in
<chainsaw more of Mossmans brand of insanity>
"None of us give a shit. Take your podium somewhere where people
care. This is a scuba forum."
"Former NASA engineer Jim Oberg, who is an author and journalist,
wrote about the gun on his Web site. He said the gun has no place in
an environment where people are under such high stress.
"There have been cases of severe psychological strain on people in
space, strain that they have taken out -- that their shipmates worried
about the ultimate actions," Oberg said.
"Experts said the idea of an astronaut losing control was unthinkable
until one year ago, when Lisa Nowak shattered the myth."
Ya mean someone might lose control and start shooting up the place?
My point exactly. Thanks for posting it.
Guilty before innocent!
Besides, it's the same droning noise you made about arming pilots.
With, of course, -zero- incidents so far.
We keep hearing about shootings in the US downunder. what is the level
of deaths from multiple shootings in the US say in the last week?
In -aircraft-???
why restrict it to aircraft lets just go general multiple killings in the
US. I understand it has been a bad week even for the US, if only they
were carrying.
I wouldn't have the slightest.
What makes you comment on the U.S. in particular?
Sorry we have reported incidents of multiple gun killing in the US over
here. I haven't heard of them from other countries
Keep up and listen. In U.K. english, canuck, german, russian, chinese,
indian, african...
Then, and only then, relate it to numbers. Of citizens, of citizens with
the right to carry. Of citizens who actually carry. Of perps who acted
while having thew right to carry.

2008-02-14 23:54:38 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
I wouldn't have the slightest.
What makes you comment on the U.S. in particular?
It's Valentines Day.
2008-02-14 23:57:25 UTC
Post by Scott
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
I wouldn't have the slightest.
What makes you comment on the U.S. in particular?
It's Valentines Day.
did poopooeyes buy u flowers?
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