In article <***>, Salty
<***> wrote:
"newz" <***@scuba.newz> wrote in message
> Just how much toxin is in that fish you love to eat?
Forget the fish. We all know our fish and chicken and beef, etc is
polluted. Now consider this : I am told that the USA gov FDA allows a
board-sweep wording for chemicals put into foods called "Natural
Flavoring". I'm told that the FDA doesn't make companies disclose
what the ingredients are in this thing called "Natural flavoring"
but that it can be anything chemically and that many companies use it
and "hook" ppl on it. For instance, McDonalds puts it in their
foods. Starbucks Coffee has it added. Plugra Butter has it added too.
In fact, I bet many things that you like to eat (Potato chips) have it
So... just what is this stuff ?? I dare you to try to find out.