Michael Mackay-Blair files Ombudsman
(too old to reply)
2003-09-08 13:39:57 UTC
Michael filed the Ombudsman to find out if people had accessed his DVA

lol - don't worry Mick we are way ahead of being caught that way :)

www.mark.aunet.us - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-09-09 11:40:15 UTC
Sorry John I have no idea of what your delusion is now...I have filed
anything apart from a piece of mild steel last week to fix my tractor.

Pleasae however feel free to try again.

Post by
Michael filed the Ombudsman to find out if people had accessed his DVA
lol - don't worry Mick we are way ahead of being caught that way :)
www.mark.aunet.us - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs
Mark Francis Kennedy
PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280
ABN: 89 166 741 894
income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids
GST 10 % of anything I spend my income
Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST
here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old
income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids
GST 10 % of anything I spend my income
my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,
this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all
2003-09-10 05:34:42 UTC
Sure ya don't know what we are talking about :)

www.mark.aunet.us - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-09-11 11:43:58 UTC
Positive John I havnt filed anything thing. I dont need too. Well apart from
machinery parts. Oh and my Rifle scope mount. But nothing else. Besides If I
needed to file anything against you John it would be a defamation suite, but
I have no need to do that because you are a silly little boy who bothers me
as much as a scorpion does, which is not at all. Because the last time one
tried to bother me it emded up as a yellow smear on the bottom of my boots.
Just as you will John. Note the yellow reference.

So you go on having your little fantaies about being a bikie or a Clearance
Diver or a Telstra police liason offier or killing Judges or whar ever you
like and I will still be here to shed the truth about you to all those who
get intimidated by you. Mark will be too. We know we are getting to you John
because of the night you rang Mark and pleaded with him.

Have a nice night John and remeber I am always here to watch over you.
2003-09-14 03:05:19 UTC
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 19:43:58 +0800, "MMackay-Blair"
<***@iinet.net.au> after fucking a goat and obviously still in a
delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>Positive John I havnt filed anything thing. I dont need too.
Well apart from
ooo yeah>machinery parts. Oh and my Rifle scope mount. But nothing
else. Besides If I
ooo yeah>needed to file anything against you John it would be a
defamation suite, but
ooo yeah>I have no need to do that because you are a silly little boy
who bothers me
ooo yeah>as much as a scorpion does, which is not at all. Because the
last time one
ooo yeah>tried to bother me it emded up as a yellow smear on the
bottom of my boots.
ooo yeah>Just as you will John. Note the yellow reference.
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>So you go on having your little fantaies about being a bikie
or a Clearance
ooo yeah>Diver or a Telstra police liason offier or killing Judges or
whar ever you
ooo yeah>like and I will still be here to shed the truth about you to
all those who
ooo yeah>get intimidated by you. Mark will be too. We know we are
getting to you John
ooo yeah>because of the night you rang Mark and pleaded with him.
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>Have a nice night John and remeber I am always here to watch
over you.
ooo yeah>

And let me get this right this is what you call control??? LOL farken

www.mark.aunet.us - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-09-14 10:37:06 UTC
Silly little Boy John.
2003-09-14 13:22:16 UTC
On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 18:37:06 +0800, "MMackay-Blair"
<***@iinet.net.au> after fucking a goat and obviously still in a
delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>Silly little Boy John.
ooo yeah>

Muhahaha he sure is, like the rest of your imaginary friends no doubt

www.mark.aunet.us - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-09-14 13:49:44 UTC
Ah denial again. John you need to wake up you very silly little boy.
2003-09-15 13:51:51 UTC
On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 21:49:44 +0800, "MMackay-Blair"
<***@iinet.net.au> after fucking a goat and obviously still in a
delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>Ah denial again. John you need to wake up you very silly
little boy.
ooo yeah>

Did somebody say Eqypt?

Can anyone else feel this control thing. I think I can....its


www.mark.aunet.us - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-09-16 13:23:35 UTC
Defence rests.....Silly little boy.
2003-09-16 13:46:17 UTC
Sorry I forgot

Woof Woof

Hey when are you going to getme Idiot. Still no sign of anyone after
me...but then there never was, cause they are after you arnt they John.
2003-09-16 13:44:44 UTC
Oh poor little siily boy, have I upset you...oh btw I wonder what website I
got this from

JOHN, Dav Chairperson Oct 2000 - Mar 2001


But then your name isnt John in any form is it Bugsy.......you idiot!
I wonder what I will post next...how about your claims to be a patched
member of the Rebels MC.....or something else...lets wait and see.......

Ha Ha Ha