Post by ScubaDanPost by dechuckaPost by ScubaZinePost by dechuckaPost by ScubaZinePost by ScubaDanG'Day,
My name is Danny and I'm a PADI rescue diver. I recently
emigrated over to Australia from the UK and so I have moved my
newsgroup subscription from uk.rec.scuba to
There's only 22 subscribers to this newsgroup and so lets get
a thread going to introduce ourselves and say hi.
I am Lee been diving since 1987. Mostly in Tasmania.
I am now land locked in Canberra but try to get to the coast as
much as possible although not impressed with most South Coast
diving. Love Broulee and Montague haven't done anything at
Jervis Bay yet.
I also run the Scuba Diving information web site ScubaZine.
Would of thought from Canberra that Jervis Bay would be your
dive magnet. Good/great diving but not as great as the hype
IMHO. What type of diving are you into?
Yes it is a magnet but being 3+hours away and having three small
kids makes it a little hard.
being hard sems to be your problem :-) I have 4 girls so I ( hope )
was hard 4 times.
=I am not a technical diver I like shore dives
Post by ScubaZine(Dont like spending too much money). Love to night dive but have
not done for years. Use to dive almost everynight in Tassy with a
mate at one stage finding new shore dives and just jumping in
where there was water.
shit you're a real man far to cold for me, I look like the Michelin
man at the best of times but with a 7mm on the Japs would harpoon
me. Saying that I have dived in Hobart with the Uni looking for
those walking fish they were cute and weird
Post by ScubaZineLove areas full of life not interested in catching just watching.
good man/lady/person, take nothing but photos leave nothing but bubbles
Post by ScubaZineSo I get wet via the web now days and the occasional dive. My
oldest son is 10 and really wants to get into it but I think he
can wait.
my oldest is 16 loves snorkelling but as a bad asthmatic doesn't
want to dive- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I didn't actually say in my intro but I'm Brisbane based and am
going on my first local dive since moving to Australia on Sunday. I
am planning to go up to Maroochydore and dive the Ex HMAS Brisbane
with Sunreef.
There seems to be some excellent sites all around Brisbane so it
makes quite a change from Reading in the UK.
I'm sure that I've read somewhere that Asthma doesn't prevent
someone diving and I believe that swimming is quite beneficial.
#include <I_am_not_an_MD.h>
Swimming yes... diving no, you could check the DAN website for more
information at
This document is pointed to from the DAN page:
And this one may have more information:
In general the problem is the bronchial constriction. If the bronchii
close up during a dive, the lungs have a problem on the ascent.
Further to this a couple of comments. I've heard of "exercise"
or stress induced asthma -- clearly this could a problem.
Also, suppose a diver uses bronchio-dialator drugs and the
drugs wear off during the dive? Not pretty.
I do most of my diving in and around Melbourne, but have been a
few places in South Australia and Tassie. And, of course,
up top the Reef.
Lots of good wrecks in our area as well as a temperate
water ecosystem that's colourful in its own right while
completely different from the GBR.