Post by ooo yeah>> On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 20:18:17 +0800, "MMackay-Blair"
still in a
ooo yeah>>
ooo yeah>> ooo yeah>Silly little boy. I control you idiot. You wouldnt
ooo yeah>> anything if I said
ooo yeah>> ooo yeah>nothing.
ooo yeah>> ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>>
ooo yeah>>
ooo yeah>> The reality is I have done NOTHING :))))))))))
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>The reality is that you are nothing. You very silly little
Muhahaha Finally working it out eh? only took ya 19 months :)))
This is where you now have a problem, loser. You were threatening,
stalking and generally making an idiot of yourself long before Mark and
I discovered you. Since we have exposed you as a fraud, you have now
tried to change tack and say it was a scam inititated by yourself.
Unfortunately for you a large number of people who lurk here and email
Mark or myself have noted your attemps and have, like us, laughed at
your pitiful posts trying to say all sorts of thinhgs. But we all know
you are trying to worm your way out, just like your phone calls to
Markpleading with him to stop. Someone said to me recently after reading
one of your diatribes, that you should be pited. And guess what.....we
do. But that isnt going to stop us exposing you for what you are. Now if
you want you can stalk me. Just be aware that I am about 200 times
nastier than you will ever Fat Boy!