Snorkling at Stradbroke
(too old to reply)
2004-07-24 09:08:06 UTC
Is there somewere around Stradbroke worth snorkling at ?. Someone recently
told me there was some small reefs worth a look. But I though Mortenbay was
Kevin Nugent
2004-07-24 14:24:06 UTC
Post by skozzy
Is there somewere around Stradbroke worth snorkling at ?. Someone recently
told me there was some small reefs worth a look. But I though Mortenbay was
North or South Straddie? At North there are a couple of spots. Along the
rock wall at Amity is OK for mucking around.

Dunno about the other side, but the Gorges over at Pt Lookout look great.
There's a nice little one called South Gorge, but you'd have to pick your
tide/wind direction times. Last time I was there, there were about 3 m seas
rolling in through there! :)

2004-07-25 15:44:48 UTC
Post by skozzy
Is there somewere around Stradbroke worth snorkling at ?. Someone recently
told me there was some small reefs worth a look. But I though Mortenbay was
You'll need a boat, but you can snorkel out at Shag Rocks or Manta Bommie.
The Straddie Guesthouse run a boat there.

http://www.scuba-addict.co.uk/ for Aussie diving reports including
Coral Bay, Rottnest Island, Dunsborough and Darwin
2004-07-25 19:50:48 UTC
Post by Jason
Post by skozzy
Is there somewere around Stradbroke worth snorkling at ?. Someone recently
told me there was some small reefs worth a look. But I though Mortenbay was
You'll need a boat, but you can snorkel out at Shag Rocks or Manta Bommie.
The Straddie Guesthouse run a boat there.
Is it fairly safe from high currents ?, I am only fairly new at snorkling,
and once I got caught up in a strong current that worried me a little, I got
dragged upstreem about 1 klm. This was at Town of 1770 up past Bunderburg.
2004-07-25 22:24:22 UTC
Post by skozzy
Is it fairly safe from high currents ?, I am only fairly new at snorkling,
and once I got caught up in a strong current that worried me a little, I got
dragged upstreem about 1 klm. This was at Town of 1770 up past
Don't really remember any currents when I dived there, but it doesn't
really matter if you've got a boat, does it? Sod swimming against a
current, that's what engines are for.

See http://www.scuba-addict.co.uk/ for Caribbean trip reports
including Aruba, Cuba, Grand Bahama, Barbados, St Lucia and Mexico