Post by dechuckaPost by PatPost by dechuckaPost by Peter O'DonnellAnyone want to share details and locations of favouriye dives on the
NSWsouth coast?
What do you consider South Coast? Anthing S of Sydney?
The Gantry at Bawley Point is o good one for me.
Nice dive I have enjoyed it on the a few occassions.
Favourite dive is a hard call IMHO and one I can't make but 2 areas come
to mind as always enjoyable. I really enjoy diving the 5 island of w'gong
as you can get a dive in most sea conditions and off course diving Jerves
bay is always a treat
Should of mentioned Bass Point near Shellharbour for great shore dives, the
Loader as a night dive is fantastic. Only prob is that even though Bass
Point has 6 or so good sites some like Bushrangrs Bay can get a bit crowded