2007-11-23 21:31:37 UTC
What a bugger , strong wind warning for local waters so my trip out to the 5
Islands off the Gong is cancelled. But I do have the Federal election to
look forward to so will be going up to cast my vote. Who to vote for the ALP
( commie socialist muslim lovers) or the Liberals, doesn't really matter I
live in a very safe Liberal Party seat. The Senate however is more
interesting we normally have 80 odd candidates and the real problem is who
to put last; it is normally a toss up between the Shooters Party and the
religious right nutters parties. Decisions decisions, might fire up the
barbie and have a couple of cool ones before voting just to help my decision
Islands off the Gong is cancelled. But I do have the Federal election to
look forward to so will be going up to cast my vote. Who to vote for the ALP
( commie socialist muslim lovers) or the Liberals, doesn't really matter I
live in a very safe Liberal Party seat. The Senate however is more
interesting we normally have 80 odd candidates and the real problem is who
to put last; it is normally a toss up between the Shooters Party and the
religious right nutters parties. Decisions decisions, might fire up the
barbie and have a couple of cool ones before voting just to help my decision