Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-02-18 08:17:32 UTC
Were you going to pick one?
I see we're ignoring this.over there 2300 or so. So let me say I have just tossed the hook. It was a
nice troll ( liked the cross post of the "dear john" thread into
aus.scuba) but sometimes the fish is playing with the angler not too
interested in a fight because they know they can leave at any time dignity
intact but with the troller not having the fun of a good fight and looking
like the troller they are.
Might drop back later. Sleep tight and make sure you have the safety on
the big gun in bed
What a whining little bitch.
If Futile John ever wanted to know what it looks like when he cries a
little tear and slithers out on his belly, here it is.
You make a general accusation (which, -amazingly-, is about how I discuss
things), like Futile, and I politely and clearly invite you to discuss
it, -several- times, and you give excuse after excuse after excuse,
until -this- piece of shit, after which you then post ten more times in the
next two hours, even though the "markets are closing".
Even more "John Like" (read: cowardly), was how you snipped and snipped
away each of my questions to avoid answering them.
Had the chance to discuss the Aussie gun control problem (which is a lie
you previously made) and you scurried like a pussy.
Had the chance to prove up on your accusation ("what accusation?") and you
crawled out on your belly.
How perfectly Canadian, that you attempt to imply that there was any
"dignity" involved on your part.
Fuckin stupendous, another verified Rec.scuba kill.
I just hold the light.
You people do all the work.
That's the way it's been since March of '98.
How -sweet- it is.
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF
Not a claim, merely an observation, Joe. Can you honestly say that in
these discussions your ego hasn't swelled even a little with renewed
over the superiority your guns provide over lesser mortals? -JOF