Sorry bout the broadness. Come from out west, so places around parramatta
region would probably be easiest for me. But if the school is good enough,
I'd be interested in going pretty much anywhere in sydney (within reasonable
driving distance of course). Was looking at all the bigger schools on the
net such as Abyss, etc. But would just like some opinions before I commit.
As for the type of diving, not too sure yet. Would like to get underway
first, then go from there I guess. So nothing in particular to start off
with I'd say.
Post by Ness"Emma Ward" wrote...
Post by Emma WardI'm a bit of a newbie to this game and I'm after some advice &
recommendations on a good dive school to use to fulfill my want to learn
Post by Emma Warddive in the sydney metro area.
Any help would be appreciated. Tks in advance,
Hi Emma,
I know a lot of dive stores in Sydney, "Sydney Metro" is a very large area,
care to elaborate further? N/S/E/W???
I can also make a couple of recommendations of where not to go :-)
What kind of diving are you interested in? Warm clear water and cute
fishies, or deep shipwrecks, or anything/nothing in particular?
What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
A nervous wreck.