Post by dechuckaI am looking for a digital camera that is good for the family/holiday snaps
( decent zoom and can blow up pictures to poster size) but that I can also
get a underwater housing to 40 metres or so for.
Any suggestions?
Look through the various manufacturer's websites at what products they
have and what UW housings they sell for the same. One you have some
idea of the offerings, go check out which of these cameras are new and
which are "old" (released a year ago) and consider leaning towards a
new one, so that the UW accessories will be available longer in the
marketplace (also, a housing that fits more than one camera can be
favored here too).
For specific camera features, look for one that the reviews say it
doesn't have significant shutter lag. That had been a harder piece of
data to find, but do persevere.
For other camera attributes, consider your battery choices carefully,
as well as the type of memory card.
A camera with a proprietary battery design means you'll have to buy
their battery to have spares, but are generally more compact for
fitting in your pocket when its not in the housing - - IMO, go for one
that takes AA's.
For memory card type, Compact Flash is gone from the P&S, and looks to
be on the decline for (at least consumer) dSLRs too. Avoid non-
mainstream formats such as the Sony Memory Stick, as you'll end up
paying a premium on each memory card, especially if you're looking at
getting one with a higher access speed. The card that manufacturers
seems to be most standardized on today is the SD.
Post by dechuckaBy the way what is the difference between an optical and digital zoom?
Optical zoom is a real zoom (via actual magnification through
Digital zoom is a "pretend" zoom (via cropping of an unmagnified