Why So much bullshit?
(too old to reply)
Jon Mathers
2003-07-23 01:11:43 UTC
Why does a noticeboard have to put up with the comments from these two
"men", ***@mrdduck.com & the other twat, ***@rebels.com, I have seen some
good come out of the notice board, but there is also alot of crap, mainly by
these two idiots.
Just a thought, Grow up.
2003-07-23 01:31:11 UTC
Post by Jon Mathers
Why does a noticeboard have to put up with the comments from these two
good come out of the notice board, but there is also alot of crap, mainly by
these two idiots.
Just a thought, Grow up.
Rheilly Phoull
2003-07-24 07:35:34 UTC
Seems to be the trend nowadays, this type of individual seems to get
gratification from being obnoxious whilst under the impression that the
drivel they write impresses folks with their "expertise". They seek out new
NG's when they get no more response or are banned, you won't find them in
small NG's since an audience is mandatory.

Regards ............... Rheilly Phoull
Post by Jon Mathers
Why does a noticeboard have to put up with the comments from these two
good come out of the notice board, but there is also alot of crap, mainly by
these two idiots.
Just a thought, Grow up.
2003-07-25 00:51:12 UTC
On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 17:23:09 +0800, "MMackay-Blair"
<***@iinet.net.au> after fucking a goat and obviously still in a
delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>The easy way to avoid them is to block sender under the
message pull down
ooo yeah>menu...unfortuatly Bugsy tends to use revolving idents. Where
as MrDDuck
ooo yeah>dosn't.
ooo yeah>

What a fucken load of crap. He is a consistent user of multiple
Idents where he insists he is not that person even though IP address
match his other posts.


www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-07-25 04:41:11 UTC
yeah and half of them are spoofed complements of you , anyone can copy an
IP John it is as esy has a name change, something elses you have experince
in , A current example woul be you posting in the states dive group doing
the same brain dead shit things that you do here using Popeys IP and ID, or
let me guess .. "mark is lying again everyone. you can beleive me I am a
four times decroated gulf war verteran CDT4 "

mark xx
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Post by
On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 17:23:09 +0800, "MMackay-Blair"
ooo yeah>The easy way to avoid them is to block sender under the
message pull down
ooo yeah>menu...unfortuatly Bugsy tends to use revolving idents. Where
as MrDDuck
ooo yeah>dosn't.
ooo yeah>
What a fucken load of crap. He is a consistent user of multiple
Idents where he insists he is not that person even though IP address
match his other posts.
www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs
Mark Francis Kennedy
PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280
ABN: 89 166 741 894
income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids
GST 10 % of anything I spend my income
Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST
here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old
income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids
GST 10 % of anything I spend my income
my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,
this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all
2003-07-27 03:55:46 UTC

www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-07-27 05:10:31 UTC
MMMMM, my Masonic grapevine is telling me this is almost over,
Mark kennedy
(remove the xx)
Ph: 0417024474
Post by
www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs
Mark Francis Kennedy
PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280
ABN: 89 166 741 894
income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids
GST 10 % of anything I spend my income
Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST
here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old
income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids
GST 10 % of anything I spend my income
my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,
this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all
2003-07-27 09:40:47 UTC
Not much different to the other voices in your head then :)))

On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 13:10:31 +0800, <***@mrdduck.com> after fucking a
goat and obviously still in a delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>MMMMM, my Masonic grapevine is telling me this is almost

www.mark.aunet.ws - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

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