Jon Mathers
2003-07-09 07:46:52 UTC
The most sensible answer to the inital question that has been put forward.
After the rest of the crap. It comes down to personal preference.
As for the "silly rules" most of them are just advise on the correct
procedures. As with anything, if you choose to ignore advise it is up to
Ocean diving and it was very odd to be told by the PADI instructor to
wear a snorkle in a pool and Stoney.
diving. I dive with a snorkle as its a lightweight bit of kit which
After the rest of the crap. It comes down to personal preference.
As for the "silly rules" most of them are just advise on the correct
procedures. As with anything, if you choose to ignore advise it is up to
I did my certifications long time ago in 1988 with PADI and NAUI and
as I remember they both requested divers to always wear and have their
Has anythign changed lately ? I notice some associations are not
askign their students to wear and use the snorkel anymore. Why ?
I did my Drysuit course in May having done quite a bit of Med/Indianas I remember they both requested divers to always wear and have their
Has anythign changed lately ? I notice some associations are not
askign their students to wear and use the snorkel anymore. Why ?
Ocean diving and it was very odd to be told by the PADI instructor to
wear a snorkle in a pool and Stoney.
Can you please tell me your opinion ? is there any official reason for
havign always the snorkel ? I was thought that it is very importnat
and it can even save someones life in some cases.
I'm a big believer of going with whatever suits you and your style ofhavign always the snorkel ? I was thought that it is very importnat
and it can even save someones life in some cases.
diving. I dive with a snorkle as its a lightweight bit of kit which
get in the way and may come in useful however my dive buddy hates the drag
of one on her mask and finds it uncomfortable to store it elsewhere. I do
surface swims on my front and she does them on her back (I remember
readingof one on her mask and finds it uncomfortable to store it elsewhere. I do
surface swims on my front and she does them on her back (I remember
somewhere that women are more boyant than men and tend to float on their
backs but perhaps my memory is failing me ;-)
After a few dives you tend to get your equipment rigged the way that suits
you and your style of diving and it can be odd to be made to change the
way you dive because of kit required for a course. My advice would be to
do what my buddy did and politely decline; a good instructor should
understand that you won't get so much out of a course if you have
a different kit layout adding to the things to think about whilst
backs but perhaps my memory is failing me ;-)
After a few dives you tend to get your equipment rigged the way that suits
you and your style of diving and it can be odd to be made to change the
way you dive because of kit required for a course. My advice would be to
do what my buddy did and politely decline; a good instructor should
understand that you won't get so much out of a course if you have
a different kit layout adding to the things to think about whilst