WWW.MARK.AUNET.US - new upgraded site come have a laugh
(too old to reply)
2003-07-29 23:31:49 UTC
Bugsy nice site man , now please get the photo correct,

Mark kennedy
(remove the xx)
Ph: 0417024474
www.mark.aunet.us - For all your Child
Support Evasion Needs
Mark Francis Kennedy
PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280
ABN: 89 166 741 894
income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids
GST 10 % of anything I spend my income
Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST
here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old
income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids
GST 10 % of anything I spend my income
my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,
this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all
2003-07-29 23:59:07 UTC
It is correct.


On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 07:31:49 +0800, <***@mrdduck.com> after fucking a
goat and obviously still in a delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>Bugsy nice site man , now please get the photo correct,
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>xx

www.mark.aunet.us - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-07-30 01:03:55 UTC
Well Mark you win, the $50 is in the post.

Hey John here is a new word for you to look up,

DEFAMATION: And being the fully qualified Lawyer that you claim to be you
might even know what it means....
2003-07-30 02:07:38 UTC
On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 09:03:55 +0800, "MMackay-Blair"
<***@iinet.net.au> after fucking a goat and obviously still in a
delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>Well Mark you win, the $50 is in the post.
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>Hey John here is a new word for you to look up,
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>DEFAMATION: And being the fully qualified Lawyer that you
claim to be you
ooo yeah>might even know what it means....
ooo yeah>

I cant speak on behalf of John. But you should go look up legal
definitions and not get carried away with what you think a dictionary
means in a court.

Fucken moron.

Then you should go look up Liable and then spend the next 2 years
reading through Common Law cases.

Have ya got all that DUCK FUCKER? GOOD now pull ya dick out of mark
and wake up the guy is a DEAD BEAT FATHER!!!

www.mark.aunet.us - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-07-30 08:57:01 UTC
the problem is buggsy my alleged postings are like you Identities... which
is real and which is false , it does not matter , there is so much of your
generated crap and postings I could type that I am a transvestite and no one
would give it a bit of notice.

The bet by the way was
"could I keep you in one place for a week with little or no meaningful
dialog and wind you up to buggery" , I think I won

((so mic want to go double or nothing for another week of keeping buggsy in
a given location and wind him up .,? ))

as you use to say buggsy

come down to the wet mess and just ask Hutch about me at CDT4. we dived on
many missions together,

Bugsy the Clearence Diver ,,, (you would be lucky to clear the back of a
boat you drop kick, )

love the duck.
2003-07-30 10:23:09 UTC
On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 16:57:01 +0800, <***@mrdduck.com> after fucking a
goat and obviously still in a delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>the problem is buggsy my alleged postings are like you
Identities... which
ooo yeah>is real and which is false , it does not matter , there is
so much of your
ooo yeah>generated crap and postings I could type that I am a
transvestite and no one
ooo yeah>would give it a bit of notice.
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>The bet by the way was
ooo yeah>"could I keep you in one place for a week with little or no
ooo yeah>dialog and wind you up to buggery" , I think I won
ooo yeah>

Sucked in you best pay Michael the bet. I have access to this system
from anywhere in the world. :) And I have posted from at least four
different locations in the past 48 hours using these servers :)

My servers remember :)

So ya fucked up as usual.

And Michael needs the money he is on a pension after all :)

Best you stop worrying about what I do and how much money I have it
seem you are a bankrupt in NSW!

www.mark.aunet.us - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-07-31 00:43:02 UTC
On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 23:02:23 +0800, <***@mrdduck.com> after fucking a
goat and obviously still in a delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>[ same old sam old bugs wipe you chin your
dribbling again

Dont let your ignorance of networking show you up now :)

As I said anywhere in the world I have access to these systems


and this one is from a Nokia 9210 phone sweet eh :)

www.mark.aunet.us - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-07-31 16:57:04 UTC
Oh so when you say you dont have a mobile phone, what are we to assume.....?

That you borrowed someones or you are just bullshitting again. Me thinks you
are getting very amusing I like this game...your funny! I really like the
way you think we care about anything you say, but you get really upset with
anything we say. I have some drugs here you really need John also next time
you are near a doctor ask him for some Haloperidol, you need some badly
2003-07-31 00:45:12 UTC
On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 22:52:45 +0800, <***@mrdduck.com> after fucking a
goat and obviously still in a delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>anywhere in the world ... I wonder ... Hey last week your
new boat and CC
ooo yeah>rebreather were due to arrive and you were coming do to dive
the swan with
ooo yeah>them for a week , have they arrived yet , ?

mmm new toys :)

lets see whats my motivation to tell you something in this situation?

NONE, lol - you still dont get it do you?

www.mark.aunet.us - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-07-31 00:47:01 UTC
On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 08:34:10 +0800, "DavidM" <***@blackart.com.au>
after fucking a goat and obviously still in a delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>
ooo yeah><***@mrdduck.com> wrote in message news:3f27de03$***@quokka.wn.com.au...
ooo yeah>> [ same old sam old bugs wipe you chin your
dribbling again
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>he could easily be SSH into his machine at home, and reading
news in Tin
ooo yeah>(assuming linux). the IP doesn't actually mean much....
ooo yeah>
ooo yeah>Cheers
ooo yeah>David M

David have you not realized a small amount of info with Mark makes him
an expert and quite dangerous. He will think he knows everything.

www.mark.aunet.us - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all

2003-08-01 02:20:39 UTC
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 00:51:21 +0800, "MMackay-Blair"
<***@iinet.net.au> after fucking a goat and obviously still in a
delusional state wrote:

ooo yeah>Actually John I have spent reading not only common law but
civil law and
ooo yeah>criminal law. Oh and a little constitutional law....but then
I don't claim
ooo yeah>to be a lawyer like you I merely read it because I can read.
And you are so
ooo yeah>good what is the difference between libel and slander?
Unfortunately I don't
ooo yeah>know Liable is apart from responsibility. Something you could

It is Libel


www.mark.aunet.us - For all your Child Support Evasion Needs

Mark Francis Kennedy

PO BOX 5094
West Busselton
Australia 6280


ABN: 89 166 741 894

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

Search Result 1
From: Radio Head (no_way_spamma)
Subject: child support
View: Complete Thread (10 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.support.child-protective-services
Date: 2001-08-04 08:10:19 PST

here is my future in australia , finished engineering 35 yers old

income next year 100000 Au
Tax 48.5 %
maintance child support agency $36000
36% 4 kids

GST 10 % of anything I spend my income

my thoughts on this Fuck Australia
I am fleeing this country to a country that has no cross treaty no
jurisdiction, and no fucking leagel recourse for women even in there leagel
system yep that right it is an arab state and I am proud of it ,

this country is going to the dogs and fast and all we can do is sit and
listen to the minority who are to fucking Lazy to get of the arses and work.
the above tax rate and CSA are not negotiable under australian Law . the
questions how can anyone say it is fair,
QF 123 Singapore bound leaving now
fuck you all
